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“Needs improvement in management of food poisoning bacteria in kimchi”… Suggestion by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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“Needs improvement in management of food poisoning bacteria in kimchi”…  Suggestion by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of food and medicine attended

Suggested 10 pending tasks for industry development

[서울=뉴시스] On the 8th, the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business held a ‘Meeting with Small and Medium Businesses Invited by Minister Oh Yoo-kyung of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ at the Small and Medium Business Federation in Yeouido, Seoul. The photo shows Minister Oh applauding at a meeting with CEOs of the cosmetics industry held at Amorepacific headquarters in Yongsan-gu, Seoul in March. (Photo = Newsis DB) [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Sujeong Lee = There was an opinion that the submission of redundant data should be improved when labeling and product approval in the field of food and medicine.

The Korea Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) held a ‘Meeting with Small and Medium Enterprises Invited by Minister Oh Yoo-kyung of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’ at the Small and Medium Enterprises Federation in Yeouido, Seoul on the 8th and announced that they had discussed these issues.

About 20 people attended the meeting, including Kim Ki-moon, chairman of the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, Oh Yoo-kyung, minister of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the food and pharmaceutical industries, such as pharmaceuticals, pastes, noodles, kimchi, and cosmetics. Small and medium-sized businesses suggested 10 pending tasks for the development of the food and drug industry.

The food industry suggested ▲improve measures to manage food poisoning bacteria in kimchi ▲minimize changes in food labeling standards and extend the grace period ▲expand educational support to alleviate the burden of acquiring and maintaining HACCP certification.

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The pharmaceutical industry complained of difficulties due to product approval standards, and continued to make suggestions such as improving the submission of redundant data when evaluating manufacturing and quality control standards for contract manufacturing drugs.

Kim Ki-moon, chairman of the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, said, “Recently, exports of the food and biohealth industries are continuing to grow, and deregulation is as important as investment to support industrial growth.” “We need to open up opportunities for innovation and growth in the food and pharmaceutical industries.”

“We will carefully review the submitted suggestions and continue our efforts to improve regulations that block the growth of the food and biohealth industries that are not related to public safety,” said Oh Yoo-gyeong, head of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety selected ‘Food and Drug Regulatory Innovation Top 100 Tasks (1.0)’ in August of last year, and so far has shown a promotion rate of 71%. This year, through ‘Food and Drug Regulatory Innovation 2.0’, 80 tasks in 5 areas were announced in June, including ▲digital safety management innovation ▲convenience enhancement for consumers and small business owners ▲future industry support ▲global regulatory harmonization and support ▲unreasonable regulation maintenance. We are promoting legal reforms and administrative measures.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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