Home » New Police director said he voted for Petro

New Police director said he voted for Petro

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New Police director said he voted for Petro

The director of the National Police, General William Salamanca, also revealed in the interview with Semana magazine details of how he met the now president Gustavo Petro.

According to the police high command, during his time as a lieutenant colonel, Salamanca served as a police liaison officer with Congress, and there he met Petro, who at the time was a representative to the Chamber.

In addition, Salamanca surprised the journalist Vicky Dávila by confessing that in her civilian life she voted for today’s President Petro, because she considered that his government program could solve some of the State’s weaknesses.

“When I toured the southwest of the country, I realized that a change was needed. I found children who ate only once a day, that there was inequality and inequity. I, without being a politician, back in 2019 said: this cannot continue like this. When the political campaign began, I saw the government program of today’s President Petro, which could partly solve this weakness of the State”, the general added to Semana.

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It is worth mentioning that last Tuesday the inauguration ceremony of the new commander of the National Police was held, who indicated that he returns to the institution with the firm intention of giving his best and working for the safety of Colombians.

During the act of possession, Salamanca stressed that the first great challenge of his administration in terms of citizen security and coexistence, which is to prevent Mother’s Day from continuing to be the most violent day of the year. Likewise, he pointed out that preventing and countering intrafamily violence is one of the pillars of the new comprehensive security strategy, with an emphasis on citizen coexistence and climate change that will be launched today.

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