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“Opposition suppression, condemnation of the pro-Japanese government”… Large-scale rally in downtown Gwangju :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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“Opposition suppression, condemnation of the pro-Japanese government”…  Large-scale rally in downtown Gwangju :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Democratic Party “Filling government prosecutors… Abuse of power”

“The solution to forced labor under Japanese colonial rule is humiliating diplomacy, lowering national prestige”

[광주=뉴시스] Reporter Kim Hye-in = The Gwangju City Party of the Democratic Party of Korea is holding a rally to condemn the dictatorship of the opposition party oppression of the Yoon Seok-yeol regime at the May 18 Democracy Square assembly in Dong-gu, Gwangju on the afternoon of the 11th. [email protected]

[광주=뉴시스]Reporter Kim Hye-in = A large-scale rally was held in downtown Gwangju on the 11th to condemn the government’s suppression of the opposition party and the dictatorship of the prosecution.

The Gwangju City Party of the Democratic Party of Korea held a rally to condemn the oppression of the prosecutors and dictatorship of the Yoon Seok-yeol regime at the May 18 Democracy Square rally in Dong-gu, Gwangju on the afternoon of the same day. About 1,000 people, including party officials and citizens, participated in the event.

On this day, Gwangju City Party Chairman Lee Byeong-hoon, Jeonnam Provincial Party Chairman Shin Jeong-hoon, and members of the Supreme Council Lim Seon-sook, Jeong Cheong-rae, and Park Chan-dae participated in the condemnation of the Yoon Seok-yeol government.

They denounced the suppression of the opposition party and criticized the March 1st Movement commemoration ceremony and the ‘third-party reimbursement proposal’ as a solution to forced labor during the Japanese occupation as pro-Japanese diplomacy.

Through the resolution, they emphasized, “Since the inauguration of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, successive public utility rate hikes have driven the people into pain. The nation’s first responsibility, the people’s life and safety, was not protected, and 159 flower-like lives were lost on the cold floor.” .

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“The country is in this situation, but the Yoon government is only concentrating on eliminating political opponents and suppressing the opposition,” he said. .

In addition, he criticized President Yoon directly over the commemoration of the March 1st Movement and the solution to forced labor under Japanese rule, calling it “humiliation diplomacy.”

They said, “How about President Yoon’s view of history? In his congratulatory address for the March 1st Paragraph, ‘We must look back on our past, when we lost our national sovereignty and suffered because we were not properly prepared for the changes in world history,’ which defamed the honor of the patriotic martyrs with the perpetrator’s justification logic. are doing,” he said.

“It was a solution to the victims of forced labor under Japanese colonial rule, and he proposed a humiliating third-party reimbursement plan,” he said.

At the same time, he called for a special investigation into the suspicion of stock price manipulation by Mrs. Kim Kun-hee and the 5 billion won club of the children of former Congressman Sang-do Kwak.

They said, “The government has dismissed the suspicion of sponsoring a large company by Mrs. Kim’s ‘Covana Contents’ without a proper investigation. The investigation of ‘Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation’ involving Mrs. Kim is also trying to end with an indulgence.” Emphasized.

The Gwangju City Party of the Democratic Party will continue the picket demonstration with the tent party at the May 18th Democracy Square on the 12th.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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