Home » People are supreme and life is supreme丨In the face of the big test of the century, Xi Jinping leads us to write “China’s answer sheet”|New Coronary Pneumonia_Sina News

People are supreme and life is supreme丨In the face of the big test of the century, Xi Jinping leads us to write “China’s answer sheet”|New Coronary Pneumonia_Sina News

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Original title: People are supreme and life is supreme丨In the face of the big test of the century, Xi Jinping leads us to write the “Chinese answer sheet”

  [学习进行时]The new crown pneumonia epidemic is a crisis and a big test. By the end of 2021, at this time, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, epidemic prevention and control have achieved world-renowned results, and economic and social development has achieved outstanding results. How to write this excellent “Chinese Answer Sheet”? Xinhua News Agency’s “Learning in Progress” original brand column “Lectures” published articles for you to interpret.

“The number of doses of new crown vaccination in the country exceeded 2.7 billion” “provided about 350 billion masks to the international community”…

Looking back to 2021, a set of numbers has witnessed the “hardcore results” that China has achieved in the big test of fighting the epidemic.

At this time, China is at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and it continues to write new results in the big exam; in the global fight against the epidemic, China actively fulfills its responsibilities as a major country, provides support and guarantees for the global fight against the epidemic, and contributes to the recovery of the world economy Continuously inject confidence and motivation.

In the face of the century-old epidemic of the century’s changing situation, Xi Jinping led us to write this “Chinese answer sheet.”

  The secret to solving problems-the people are supreme, life is supreme

“The people are supreme, life is supreme.” These powerful eight words are not only the values ​​that have been consistent in the struggle against the new crown pneumonia epidemic by the Party Central leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, but also China’s effective control of the epidemic on a global scale. The “core secret”.

Life is more important than Mount Tai, and the interests of the people are above all else. In the face of the raging epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear from the beginning that the safety of people’s lives and health should be the first priority. He repeatedly emphasized that epidemic prevention and control should be the most important task at present.

“In order to protect the safety of people’s lives, we can afford everything!” This is Xi Jinping’s vocal answer to the epidemic test.

General Secretary Xi Jinping always cares about the people and patients. He always pays attention to the development of the epidemic, insists on systematic thinking, and takes scientific, precise and overall planning in response to the changing characteristics of the epidemic.

In 2020, China has achieved major strategic results in the war against the epidemic. However, looking at the world, the epidemic situation has become more severe. Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has convened many meetings and issued a series of important instructions on the prevention and control of the epidemic. “People” has always been the most prominent keyword.

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In March 2021, when visiting members of the medical and health education sector who participated in the CPPCC meeting, Xi Jinping emphasized that people’s health is the foundation of social civilization and progress, and an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity. He pointed out that it is necessary to sum up experience and learn lessons. While doing a good job in normalizing the epidemic prevention and control, we should focus on more accurate and effective prevention, promote the prevention and control, reform and improve the disease prevention and control system, and improve the assessment and judgment of major public health risks. , Decision-making mechanism, innovative medical and prevention coordination mechanism, perfect joint prevention and joint control mechanism and major epidemic treatment mechanism, strengthen early monitoring and early warning capabilities, rapid detection capabilities, emergency response capabilities, and comprehensive treatment capabilities, in-depth development of patriotic health campaigns, prevention and treatment from the source Control major diseases.

In May, Xi Jinping emphasized at the Global Health Summit that in order to completely overcome the epidemic, people’s life safety and physical health must be placed in a prominent position, with great political responsibility and courage, extraordinary actions to deal with extraordinary things, and best efforts. Do not miss an infected person, do not give up a sick patient, and earnestly respect the life value and dignity of everyone.

At present, my country adheres to the epidemic prevention and control strategy of “dynamic zeroing”, strictly implements the entire chain of precision prevention and control throughout the country, and quickly extinguishes the epidemic through comprehensive prevention and control measures.

The people are supreme and life is supreme, which embodies the people-centered value pursuit of the Chinese Communists. It is the “ultimate code” for the Chinese Communists to face the difficulties in the big examination of the epidemic, and it is precisely because they have always insisted on everything for the people and the people. Relying closely on the people’s work line, the whole party and the whole country have assembled a united anti-epidemic force and continue to write miracles of war against the epidemic.

  A magic formula for answering questions-coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development

On July 1 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared that we have achieved the first century-old goal, built a well-off society in all respects on the land of China, and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty. In 2021, China’s economic development and epidemic prevention and control will continue to maintain its leading position in the world, and it will hand over a high-scoring answer sheet for overall planning of epidemic prevention and development, achieving a good start to the “14th Five-Year Plan”.

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At the beginning of the year, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for major provincial and ministerial leaders. On our side, this is where our strength and confidence lies, and it is also where our determination and confidence lies.

Faced with the complex and ever-changing epidemic situation, Xi Jinping used the perspective of commanding the overall situation, strategized, insisted on coordinating the overall international and domestic situations, insisted on both epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and carried out a series of commands and deployments.

During the 10 local inspections and many important meetings held by the central government this year, Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized the need to implement the Party Central Committee’s decisions and deployments, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, based on the new development stage, implement new development concepts, and build new development. To promote high-quality development, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, promote technological innovation, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and security, continue to improve people’s livelihood, and maintain overall social stability. He made a series of deployments, focusing on solving the key issues related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, and continued to promote the “six stability” and “six guarantees” work.


Perseverance and daring to win, the excellent results of the big exam are hard-won. Coordinating development and security, enhancing the awareness of danger, and being prepared for danger in times of peace is a major principle of our party’s governance of the country. Coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development is a magic formula for answering the exam papers for the college entrance examination by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and promoting a steady start of the “14th Five-Year Plan”.

  Fulfilling promises-promoting global cooperation in the fight against the epidemic

The new crown pneumonia epidemic is a “century test” and a “world test”. This “test paper” is a “test paper” that all mankind needs to answer together.

Promoting global cooperation to fight the epidemic and responding to the “century test”, Xi Jinping thinks far-reachingly and deeply.

Faced with this global public health crisis, China has actively advocated international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic from the very beginning, joined hands with other countries to fight the epidemic, and implemented the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind with practical actions. On many international occasions, Xi Jinping has taken a clear stand to call on all countries to unite and cooperate, join hands in fighting the epidemic, and unite the international community with a firm attitude. In May of this year, President Xi Jinping attended the Global Health Summit and once again called for joint efforts to build a community of human health.

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Xi Jinping cares about developing countries, personally promotes international vaccine cooperation, and implements China’s commitment to vaccines as a “global public product” with a series of solid measures. In September this year, Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th United Nations General Assembly and delivered an important speech, calling for a fair and reasonable distribution of vaccines on a global scale. As of December 2021, China has provided nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations, accounting for one-third of the total global vaccine use outside of China, and has become the country that provides the most vaccines to the outside world.

Faced with the strong impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the world economy, Xi Jinping advocates placing development in a prominent position in the global macro policy framework and pushing global development to a new stage of balance, coordination and inclusiveness. Since the beginning of this year, Xi Jinping has attended the World Economic Forum’s “Davos Agenda” Dialogue, the Boao Forum for Asia 2021 Annual Meeting, the APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting and other important meetings. Important propositions such as building the “Belt and Road” for high-quality development. During the special period, the China Consumer Fair, the Service Trade Fair, the Canton Fair, and the China International Import Expo will be held; the China-Europe train will open new lines and increase the number of shifts to serve as the “steel camel team” of the Eurasian continent… China adheres to true multilateralism and contributes to the global economy. The recovery adds new impetus, and China’s new development provides new opportunities for the world.

Overcoming the epidemic has a bearing on the future and destiny of mankind. Stepping forward at critical moments and fulfilling promises at critical junctures, Xi Jinping’s starting point and goal is the overall global anti-epidemic situation.

Facing the “century test” of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Xi Jinping wrote a “Chinese answer sheet” centered on the people. China actively fulfills its responsibilities as a major power, actively promotes the improvement of global governance, and has made new contributions to the joint efforts of human society to cope with common challenges, and has injected confidence and impetus into the global fight against the epidemic and the recovery of the world economy.

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo


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