Home » Ports, NGOs, irregular migrants: the Piantedosi package on CDM

Ports, NGOs, irregular migrants: the Piantedosi package on CDM

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Ports, NGOs, irregular migrants: the Piantedosi package on CDM

The signs were sudden. The intentions to be translated into political acts as soon as possible. A “Piantedosi package” on immigration and more will arrive at the first useful Council of Ministers. The Interior Ministry technicians are already at work. After all, the emergency landings are evident, the numbers are soaring. The requirements for the approval of a law decree are all there. The regulatory design being drawn up has already had the first official indications. The stop to two NGOs (non-governmental organizations) with a directive from the newly installed Minister of the Interior. But above all the program announced by Giorgia Meloni in Parliament.

1,800 migrants are arriving in these hours

The Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi has convened for tomorrow – 27 October – the Cnosp (National Committee for Public Order and Security) where the heads of the police forces, the Coast Guard, the Defense Staff and the intelligence services sit. It is not the only topic, but immigration will dominate the meeting. The Sicilian channel is in fibrillation: two naval units with 700 and 500 migrants set course for Syracuse. Six sailing boats have been sighted from Turkey heading towards Calabria. In total, there are an estimated 1,800 people in the water ready to land on the Italian coasts.

The directive and the landings trend

The “daily dashboard” of the Ministry of the Interior records 79,208 landings from 1 January to 25 October; in the same period last year there were 52,772 and in 2020 they were 26,915. Compared to two years ago, arrivals of migrants have tripled. Matteo Piantedosi’s directive to the police forces and the Coast Guard is explicit: the NGO units Ocean Viking and Humanity 1 would have a conduct “not in line with the spirit of European and Italian regulations on security and border control and law enforcement. to illegal immigration ”. No entry into territorial waters or ports, the Interior Ministry implies. However, we must deal with the numerous series of boats and small boats not attributable to a nation or an NGO.

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The activity at sea and the new scenarios

The actions of immigration policy refer above all to the Ministry of the Interior. At stake is the foreign ministry led by Antonio Tajani (Fi). That of Infrastructures, at the helm Matteo Salvini (Lega), the Coast Guard under him: “functional”, as they say in the jargon, while the “hierarchical” ones are in the defense department, tomorrow present at the CNSP with one of his general or admiral . The role of “sea police” belongs to the Guardia di Finanza with its naval and air units. Inside there are two operational branches: the central direction of the Border Police, the Civil Liberties Department. A complex institutional concert. Today more than ever with a high political value.

Phase three of the Sophia mission

The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, said in Parliament: “You don’t enter Italy illegally but only through the flow decrees”. She then added: «Our intention is always the same. But if you do not want us to talk about naval blockade, I will say it like this: it is our intention to recover the original proposal of the European Union naval mission Sophia which in the third phase envisaged, even if never implemented, provided for the blocking of the departures of boats from the north. Africa”. But the third phase of Sophia foresees, in fact, the presence of European naval units in national territorial waters, Libyan first of all. To do this, Libya’s okay and a resolution by the United Nations Security Council are needed, just consult the website of the Navy.

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