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Presidential programs need 6 months

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Presidential programs need 6 months

The head of the Interior portfolio referred in an interview to Gustavo Petro’s presidential projects that are currently being developed.

The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, who is in charge of the National Government’s relationship with Congress, assured that they hope to process all the reforms proposed by the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro.

“We are not going to give up anything. We have a solid agenda and we hope to be able to process it all. I have no magic to know if we are going to achieve it, but we will try,” said Alfonso Prada, in an interview with El Espectador.

That “solid agenda” mentioned by Minister Alfonso Prada includes the controversial health reform, as well as the pension and labor reforms, the submission law and the National Development Plan. Projects that will be discussed during the extra sessions of Congress, installed on February 7.

“We are in the normal process in Congress. We convened extraordinary sessions because this semester is short and we extended the period from 13 to 19 weeks, which allows us to go deeper into the debates and achieve better results,” said Prada.

Alfonso Prada was also optimistic about the fact that the government coalition brings together about 75% of the senators and representatives. “We have had meetings and retreats with the parties to explain the contents (of the reforms),” he said.

However, he assured that “to the extent that the projects have change content, it will be more difficult (the discussion).”

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And, in this line, he concluded that “our program is not achieved in six months and it is not achieved in four years, but we can lay the foundations for future governments.

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