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Project to comply with human rights court rulings

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Project to comply with human rights court rulings

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Álvaro Leyva Durán, filed before the Congress of the Republic the draft law ‘By which provides for the application in domestic law of the sentences, opinions and other decisions of international courts and competent multilateral instances of rights humans and IHL’.

The initiative was delivered by Chancellor Leyva at the General Secretariat of the Senate and before the President of the Second Commission, Gloria Flórez.

“The purpose of this law is to ensure compliance and execution of the sentences, opinions and other decisions of international courts and competent multilateral instances of human rights and International Humanitarian Law, and to prevent and punish the omission of these duties,” he said. the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The initiative commits the State and the competent entities to abide by the sentences, precautionary measures and other decisions, which creates the obligation to guarantee what has been agreed in its internal law, both in substantive and procedural norms.

Leyva Durán stated that “the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is aware of this initiative and they are absolutely pleased.”

“Colombia today becomes, with this presentation of this law, the leader in an issue that has been left aside and that is that international decisions are mocked at the local level. No more injustice for those who have been benefited by courts and instances that have the fundamental competence to define very specific cases of which, naturally, many Colombians declared innocent internationally have been victims and who continue to be pointed out here as fugitives or as people who maintains violation,’ said the Chancellor.

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For her part, the congresswoman stated that this project is ‘a significant step in the international observance of human rights at work that communities and organizations have been doing for so many years. The Inter-American Commission, the Inter-American Court and other United Nations instruments that have contributed to overcoming impunity in very serious cases of violations of human rights and IHL in our country and those sentences and decisions of the courts with this bill They will be applied immediately.

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