Home » Ramadan Hadith: Episode Two: ((A Few Days))

Ramadan Hadith: Episode Two: ((A Few Days))

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Ramadan Hadith: Episode Two: ((A Few Days))

Muhammad Shirky

A question may come to the minds of some believers: Why did God Almighty impose the worship of fasting as limited to a number of days and did not make it many days with more reward and reward in their abundance? The answer is that God Almighty has removed the difficulty of worshiping Him from His faithful servants out of His mercy and kindness to them, because they do not have the capacity to multiply the days of this worship, even if they want or wish to do so. The evidence is what was stated in the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when a man asked him to He taught him something equivalent to jihad for the sake of God, so he, peace be upon him, replied: “I can’t find it,” so he said: If the Mujahid goes out, can you enter a mosque and stand without stopping, and fast without breaking your fast? He said: I cannot. Abu Hurairah, the narrator of this hadith, said: “The mujahid’s horse grows tall in length, so good deeds are recorded for it.” In this honorable hadith, there is something that confirms the inability of the believing person to perform the worship of fasting and the prayers that accompany it for a long or continuous period of time without stopping to pray, and without breaking his fast by breaking his fast. It also indicates that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not find for this questioner a job that would be equivalent to jihad in the path of God except That he is able to do what he was commanded to continue fasting and standing without let up as long as the Mujahid continues his jihad. And God knows how long his jihad might last, as it may have lasted a number of years while the man was in continuous standing and fasting. Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, pointed out the many good deeds of the Mujahid, because he attains them even in a situation where his horse is trotting back and forth while it is tied.

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Although this honorable hadith is cited to show the superiority of jihad over other good deeds, it has a connection to the worship of fasting, abstaining and standing, the time of which God Almighty has determined in a number of days out of consideration for the capacity of His faithful servants, whom He only burdens with what they are able to do. Since the believer is not able to continue it for the long time that a Mujahid spends in his jihad, as stated in the noble hadith, it is also understood from this that the worship of fasting by performing it is not to be taken lightly, except that God Almighty has made it a special worship for Him or a worship for Him, while He has made the other acts of obedience to its owners as It is stated in the Holy Hadith: “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting, which is for Me, and I will reward for it …. » The hadith, and a great reward has been allocated for it. We mention from that the reward of Laylat al-Qadr, which the reward of observing it by standing exceeds the reward of worshiping a thousand months. And it is sufficient for him who fasts and prays Ramadan out of faith and hope that God Almighty will forgive him his previous sins, as stated in the hadith of the Messenger of God. God, may God bless him and grant him peace: “ Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven » .

Taking into account the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, if we assume for the sake of argument that a person is not able to maintain his fasting and standing in prayer for the amount of time he spends striving for the sake of God – which is definitely not possible, as the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said – then he will have risen. What is equivalent to jihad, and in this case the act of jihad is like the act of fasting and standing, but God Almighty raised the level of jihad, because if it were not for Him, His word would not have been supreme, His religion would not have prevailed over all religions, and people would not have been steadfast on His straight path, including their fasting and standing, and the rest. What they worship their Creator, Glory be to Him, with in terms of acts of worship and dealings.

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The bottom line is that it is part of the mercy of God Almighty to His faithful servants that He worships them with the worship of fasting on a numbered days, and He does not make it difficult for them to do so, because God Almighty knows best about them, and He does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear, and He does not hold His servants accountable except with what He has bestowed upon them, and they have no excuse with Him. If they fail to do what is within their power and ability.

We must not fail to draw attention to those who miss out on the opportunity of the numbered days, and God Almighty did not mention them directly after mentioning the assumption of fasting except to alert His servants to the necessity of making the best use of them, in addition to alerting them to wasting them by being busy with what you worship them with during them or doing what He commanded them to do in a manner other than that. What is required is the thing that spoils it and deprives them of receiving its reward and reward, and on top of it is getting rid of their previous sins, those that are between them and Him, glory be to Him, the Most High. As for those that are between them, they are not forgiven except by relieving themselves of them, and that is by redressing material and moral grievances.

We will also not miss the opportunity to mention the deeds that accompany the worship of fasting, which God Almighty encouraged and which His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, desired whenever he performed them, including spending in the path of God. This spending may be at the heart of the worship of jihad for which God Almighty praised His Mujahideen servants, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying: ((God bought from the believers their lives and their money for the sake of God …)) Verse.

While we are living the condition of jihad for our brothers, the stationed and mujahideen, in the land of Palestine, we must strive in turn to participate with them in this duty. If this cannot be achieved with lives, then let it be with money. Thus, in this holy month, we combine the obedience of fasting and praying, and the obedience of jihad with money, and in this way we can join. With the rank of mujahideen, God Almighty willing, in confirmation of the Almighty’s saying: ((God has favored the mujahideen with their money and their lives over those who remain seated by a degree, and for both of them God has promised goodness, and God has favored the mujahideen over those sitting a great reward)) Let us be very careful to be among the mujahideen, not those who are sitting at a distance, and to make every effort and effort to participate in this religious duty with which we worship God Almighty. And part of the effort and effort is to seriously search for ways to deliver material support to the mujahideen themselves. The reward for the guide to it is the same as the reward for supporting them, and we should not fall short in that by presenting excuses that will not clear our debts before God Almighty, and He knows best about us, and the one who succeeds in that is the one whom God Almighty grants success to, and He is the Granter of success.

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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may God’s blessings and peace be upon our Master Muhammad and all his family and companions.

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