Home » Ramón González, a former M-19 now the new director of Dapre

Ramón González, a former M-19 now the new director of Dapre

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Ramón González, a former M-19 now the new director of Dapre

González will take over from Mauricio Lizcano as head of the Administrative Department of the Presidency, which oversees the administration of the Casa de Nariño. Lizcano stepped down from him as part of Petro’s reorganization of ministerial ranks.

Carlos Ramón González served as an escort for Jaime Bateman, the first commander of the M-19 guerrilla to which he belonged. Like most security guards, he is known to be reserved, keeping a low profile and making few media appearances, but he moves among the powerful, mixes with them and knows how to take care of his own.

González will take care once he joins the Administrative Department of the Presidency, as announced this Wednesday, but he will continue to perform the same functions: guard President Gustavo Petro and control the people with whom he associates while supervising Dapre, one of the most important organizations of the Casa de Nariño and the main “computer” from which the bureaucracy of the Casa de Nariño is run.

Following the departure of Mauricio Lizcano, until now director of Dapre. Several administrative changes that define the closest team of Petro continue to occur as a result of the restructuring of the Presidency. In reality, the new director would assume a function that, until last year, had a budget of more than 3,000 million pesos and had powers to add and remove positions in the Palace, as well as to reassign functions.

Despite his humble beginnings as an escort and “radio operator” for the guerrilla leader Bateman, González quickly joined the politics of the M-19 and there he would meet today’s President Petro.

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González joined the political party that was created after the demobilization of that armed group in 1990, and later founded the organization now known as Alianza Verde, of which he was co-chair until last week. when he quit his job to take this new job.

The new director of Dapre has two additional offenses: a conviction for falsifying a public document to impose restrictions on his council campaign, and political ties to alias El Tuerto, who was convicted of parapolitics and is currently being investigated for bribery of the JEP.

With these actions, the cradle of González, the Green Alliance, whose leadership has remained intact ever since, will be waiting for his successor in a crucial position that has successfully served as a mediator between the governments of Uribe, Santos, Duque and Petro.

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