Home » Record-breaking oddball with 140 Mercalli scientists, star of the event

Record-breaking oddball with 140 Mercalli scientists, star of the event

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Record-breaking oddball with 140 Mercalli scientists, star of the event

More than flattering numbers for the fifth edition of the three days dedicated to the dissemination of science, from climate to energy


There could not have been a more popular scientific popularizer than Luca Mercalli to seal the growth of Strambinaria, an event organized for the fifth year from 2 to 4 September by Frame popular science of Turin, with the support of the San Paolo Foundation and the patronage of the Municipality of Strambino and Metropolitan city. An edition with growing numbers and great feedback, just think that the presenters were 140 compared to 70 last year. Saturday 3 was the day of the meteorologist Mercalli, expected in the afternoon in the square tensile structure. Mercalli arrived without his unmistakable bow tie but with very clear ideas about the impending risk of catastrophe of the planet induced by rapid climate change. «We have been warning for 20 years about the risks to the planet – began Luca Mercalli – but, despite having now detected a greater sensitivity, we still do not see the results. Too little has been done by institutions and individuals to defend the planet, with climate change continuing to grow. The supply crisis and the dizzying increase in the price of energy, born from a wrong reason such as war – added Luca Mercalli – ended up generating a significant increase in the use of renewable energies ». But it wasn’t just Luca Mercalli who characterized the Strambinese cultural event. There were many events of great interest. The program was divided into conferences, workshops and working groups on various topics such as the atom, food, climate, and then health, dissemination, pandemics, books. To open Strambinaria 2022, after the greeting of Alberto Agliotti, coordinator of the Frame event, and the welcome of the Mayor of Strambino Sonia Carmbursano and Paola Sabione of the San Paolo Foundation, was the expert scientific popularizer Piero Bianucci, director for years of ‘All sciences’, to entertain the numerous guests on the resumption of the space race, first with Artemis then with Aphrodite. “We are very satisfied with the renewed welcome we have received for the fifth year in Strambino, from the institutions and citizens – commented Alberto Agliotti – and this motivates us even more to continue organizing the next editions in Strambino, if we can continue to count, as has happened up to now, on the availability of the municipal administration ». The mayor Sonia Cambursano herself replied to Alberto Agliotti in her welcome speech to the numerous disseminators from all over Italy, housed in various hotels in the area. «The annual Strambinaria event – recalled Sonia Cambursano – has entered the hearts of the Strambinesi, who are proud to host science communicators from all over Italy. Pride shared by the municipal administration ». The science communicators were hosted in the hotels of Ivrea, Romano, Scarmagno, in the absence of accommodation facilities in Strambino. The capital of Strambino, however, offered the Bonafide kindergarten for the workshops, the park of the Castle, the multipurpose hall and the bowling green where the disseminators returned to challenge the members of the Bocciofila Society. –

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