Home » Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs Inspires Patriotic Feelings Many schools in Xi’an carry out Qingming Festival-themed activities-Xi’an News_China Business News

Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs Inspires Patriotic Feelings Many schools in Xi’an carry out Qingming Festival-themed activities-Xi’an News_China Business News

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Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs Inspires Patriotic Feelings Many schools in Xi’an carry out Qingming Festival-themed activities-Xi’an News_China Business News

The young pioneers of Xi’an Jingkai No. 7 Primary School visited and studied in the Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army’s Xi’an Office

Tomb-sweeping Festival sacrifices heroes and martyrs, and passes on the torch to nurture newcomers. On April 4, the reporter learned that many schools in our city have carried out different themes of Qingming Festival activities, remembering the martyrs, inheriting the red gene, inspiring patriotism, and deepening young people’s understanding of traditional Chinese festivals and their love for traditional Chinese culture.

Xi’an Yucai Middle School

Theme poems will educate people

On April 4th, Xi’an Yucai Middle School held a Qingming-themed poetry meeting of “Educating Youth, Prosperity and Qingming”. The activity centered on poetry recitation, and integrated various art forms such as songs, dances, and operas to remember the dead, cherish the memory of heroes, and praise the spring. , Dreaming of the future.

The poetry meeting is divided into three chapters: “Thinking of Time and Space”, “Memories of the Soul”, and “Ode to Heaven and Earth”. A lively spring festival atmosphere. Each chapter unfolds slowly, presenting a high-level and connotative performance to the audience through the emotional poetry recitation, the graceful dance, the chorus that moves Liang Chen, and the stage play written, directed and performed by the students themselves. A feast of poetry.

Sha Tao, the principal of Yucai Middle School, said: “April is Qingming, remembering the past. Take poetry as a companion, feel the beauty of spring, and stick to the excellent traditional Chinese culture; walk with poetry, express your feelings of remembrance, remember the martyrs together, inherit the red gene, and keep in mind the mission of the times. “

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Xi’an Aerospace City No. 2 Primary School

Tomb-sweeping ceremony sweeps Burmese heroes

Recently, more than 300 teachers and students from the fourth grade of the “Famous School +” No. 2 Primary School in Xi’an Aerospace City went to the Yang Hucheng Martyrs Cemetery to carry out a Qingming sacrifice to the heroes with the theme of “Tsing Ming Festival Sweeping Burmese Heroes Red Gene I Inherit”.

Wearing bright red scarves, the young pioneers lined up neatly, holding small chrysanthemums made by themselves, standing in the Yang Hucheng Martyrs Cemetery, singing “We Are the Successors of Communism”, and the bright red Young Pioneers flag flying high, standing under the flag, The young pioneers revisited the oath of joining the team, cherished the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, and felt the inheritance of the revolutionary spirit in the surging call signs and the song of retreating the flag. Everyone said that they should always remember the great achievements of the martyrs and inherit the red gene.

Xi’an Jingkai No.7 Primary School

Heroic deeds inspire patriotic enthusiasm

Recently, representatives of the Young Pioneers of the Seventh Primary School of Xi’an Jingkai followed their teachers into the Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army’s Xi’an Office to visit and study. While listening to the staff’s explanation, they carefully observed and studied. The heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs inspired the patriotic enthusiasm and admiration for the martyrs of all the people present. The team members expressed their gratitude and admiration to the martyrs by preaching red stories and singing red songs.

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Each class also organized a “Ching Ming Festival” theme class meeting. Students learned about the traditional customs of the Qing Ming Festival, told the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, and sang red songs together. Everyone also combined the customs and knowledge of the Qingming Festival to draw exquisite handwritten newspapers showing the characteristics of the Qingming Festival, and wrote down their lofty respect and deep memory of the revolutionary martyrs in the form of exercises. Each work also inspired students to inherit the Chinese nation. Excellent traditional virtues.

Daxue South Road Primary School Branch

Clank oath to express determination

On the morning of April 4th, representatives of the Young Pioneers from the University South Road Primary School Branch came to the Xi’an Incident Memorial Hall under the leadership of the counselors of the brigade, and carried out the activities of offering sacrifices to heroes during the Qingming Festival with the theme of “remembering the revolutionary martyrs and inheriting the red gene”.

In the memorial hall, the young pioneers admired the great achievements of the fighting heroes, stood solemnly in front of the martyrs relief, and paid a silent tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the Chinese revolution. Then, they raised their right fists high and solemnly swore an oath.

Under the guidance of the lecturer, the students visited the Xi’an Incident Historical Facts Exhibition Hall with reverence, and learned about the whole process of the Xi’an Incident through precious historical photos, oil paintings, acousto-optic half-view paintings and sand table models.

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Text/Trainee reporter Niu Lingtu/Provided by the school

Source: Xi’an Evening News

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