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Roy’s Force

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Roy’s Force

Just the eve of starting a new cycle of chemotherapy to fight cancer, last Tuesday the president of Congress, Roy Barreras, stirred up the political scene by presenting the La Fuerza de la Paz party, with the right to endorse center-left candidates in the October elections, thus seeking to be an alternative to the extremes that divide the country today.

Petro’s replacement

Although the senator was quick to explain that it is not the pre-launch of a presidential campaign, few believe the story. What is understood is that he continued to pave the aspiration, in what has been coming for a while, giving a coup to empower himself more in the Historical Pact, where he feels very comfortable. Barreras wants to lead from there, mirroring President Gustavo Petro, a center-left coalition. For this reason, he does not hesitate to call for alliances with leaders and sectors related to the traditional political machines, even if they are questioned.

The Force in Huila

In Huila, in sectors of the left that do not swallow Roy, the announcement of endorsing Rodrigo Villalba for the governorship and Wilker Bautista, Gorke’s candidate for mayor of Neiva, did not go down well, which many understood as an electoral formula among those involved. . For this reason, the former senator dismantled himself, curiously, without saying a word, thanks to the collaboration of the president of the Liberal Directorate, Juan Carlos Dussán, who was in charge of denying the agreement with Barreras and, incidentally, with Gorkismo.

Garrotera by endorsement

While Bautista uploaded photos of his presence at the event in Bogotá and celebrated that he already has endorsement, the representative Leyla Rincón and the councilor Lourdes Mateus, from the radical wing of the Pact, who support a mayoral aspiration of Yilber Saavedra, former director of the Observatory Council and Visible Assembly, went very hard against that candidacy because it does not represent the change for Neiva that the people demand.

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political polarization

Thus, the following panorama is glimpsed in the contest for the governorship of Huila. In one corner, a coalition of liberal forces and sectors of the center left, distant to the extreme, which identifies with the policies of President Petro. And in the other corner, the center right, with a proposal and identity that embodies the different, the different. Who will be the candidate? For now there is the possibility of the deputy Sandra Hernández, in the campaign, and the expectation of the confirmation of Rodrigo Lara Sánchez.

Ex-guerrilla would win in Campoalegre

The political thing moves in Campoalegre in terms of aspirations to the mayoralty. If the elections were held today, Víctor Ramón Vargas, “Chato”, a former guerrilla of the Farc and who a few years ago was sentenced for illegal activities, would win. His father, Víctor Julio Vargas, was also involved in similar troubles with the law. The issue is that since he was sentenced for those crimes, Chato lost his political rights, that is, he cannot be elected, he would be disqualified. He claims the opposite and that is why he is campaigning and would have the endorsement of the Historical Pact.

Other campoalegrunas options

They also aspire to the former representative Rodrigo Lizcano Quintero, ‘Pupa’, a mixture of conservatism and liberalism, but today he has no defined endorsement. Also, Kenet López, young son of a left-wing professor, Eduardo López. James Parra is eager and ex-mayor Neila Tribiño, who was exonerated for the disputed concession of public lighting in the municipality, is testing the terrain. If the aspiration materializes, the Peace Force of Roy Barreras or conservatism would go.

Lara Restrepo in Bogota

Former congressman Rodrigo Lara Restrepo quietly continues to structure the campaign for mayor of Bogotá. After leaving Cambio Radical and not finding space in the New Liberalism, which his father helped found, he is clear that his aspiration is outside the traditional parties, independent, endorsed by signatures. However, Roy Barreras invited him to participate for his new party with the reason that they identify because he always supported the peace process with the Farc.

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ministers to the board

A period of political control of the national government in Congress is coming, from different sectors that do not ‘swallow’ whole ads that do not take off. The Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, is in the chapel to find out about the regulation of the closed list in the political reform, pending a second round. That of Labor, Gloria Ramírez, for the decision to limit to four months the orders for the provision of services in public employment and the territorial entities advance in the labor formalization of the plant of her collaborators.

more citations

It is also planned to quote the Minister of Foreign Trade, German Umana (who knows him), so that he reports with figures and clear accounts the balance of the opening with Venezuela that began in the last quarter of last year. There are doubts about the results. And to Agriculture, Cecilia López, to report what the agrarian reform is about, one of the main banners of Petro’s campaign. There is no draft and the expectation for the redistribution of the land encouraged invasions in the regions. To go from the story to the facts.

Radical Change traces the route

On March 10 in Cartagena, Cambio Radical will meet to clear its course and make political decisions prior to the start of the ordinary sessions of Congress on March 16 and the October elections. It will resolve the position before the social reforms of President Petro; how will continue to be opposition to the government; it will define the strategy regarding candidacies for the regional elections; and the future of the director Germán Córdoba, in suspense because he is charged by the Prosecutor’s Office in the Odebrecht scandal.

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surcolombian bench

This week the process of the National Development Plan project formally began in Congress, for this reason, the Huilense bench met to define some strategic projects that it will defend for Pitalito and the south of the country: Route 45, the expansion and modernization of the Contador airport and the University of the Massif. Promotion and promotion of tourism and coffee in the department; rejection of the implementation of new tolls. And he will work on the formation of the South Colombian Bank with the representatives of Huila, Putumayo, Cauca and Caquetá.

Bravo in Dignity

Former governor Jaime Bravo Motta was the most important Huilense leader who attended the birth of Dignity and Commitment, the new movement led by Jorge Enrique Robledo, and Sergio Fajardo, who presents himself as an alternative center force and will endorse candidacies for the regional elections of next october. Bravo had expressed interest in running for governor, but he has not spoken about the subject again, perhaps defining whether or not he is empowered by the sentence he served.

hospitalized failer

Councilor Faiver Tamayo clarified that after suffering an unforeseen health event he was rushed to a clinic in Neiva where he was hospitalized, thus explaining the absence of the commission session that voted on the controversial $25.5 billion debt project. To support the explanation, he provided a medical certificate. He pointed out that he ratifies his will and commitment to work for the city.

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