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Ruling party seeks WeMade and intensively pursues Kim Nam-guk lobby and airdrop :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Ruling party seeks WeMade and intensively pursues Kim Nam-guk lobby and airdrop :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

“Jang Hyun-guk and Kim Nam-guk expressed their frustration at not disclosing transaction details”

“The starting point of solving Coingate provided by Kim Nam-guk”

The ruling party announces a visit to Bithumb next week, where Kim Nam-guk traded coins

[성남=뉴시스] Reporter Choo Sang-cheol = People’s power in investigating Coingate, including Rep. Kim Nam-guk’s ‘Wemix’ Rep. Seong-won Kim, head of Coingate’s fact-finding team, and Rep. Yoon Chang-hyeon, secretary, visit Wemade’s headquarters in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the 19th and hold a press conference. (Co-report photo) 2023.05.19. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Lee Jae-woo = The ‘People’s Power Coin Gate Fact Investigation Team (Fact-Finding Team)’ searched for WeMade, the game company that issued Wemix Coin, with which independent lawmaker Kim Nam-guk transacted, and intensively investigated the suspicion of a ‘community of interest’ such as the use of insider information.

Members of the fact-finding team, Seongwon Kim, Changhyun Yoon, Hyeongdu Choi, Hyeongsu Park, and Attorney Jeongcheol Kim visited WeMade headquarters in Pangyo, Gyeonggi Province on the morning of the same day and asked CEO Jang Hyunguk about the allegations between WeMade and Rep. Kim.

Representative Jang denied the allegations related to Rep. Kim. Representative Jang is known to have expressed frustration over the fact that Rep. Kim did not disclose the details of the transaction to the fact-finding team. The fact-finding team is also pursuing inquiries against Bithumb, an exchange where Congressman Kim traded virtual assets.

Director Kim Seong-won met with CEO Jang and said, “Why did a giant game company like Wemade distribute (coins) additionally, where did the additionally distributed coins go, whether they were used for corporate lobbying with companies in dire need of P2E legalization, and if someone made a large number of counterfeits?” I came to ask if you have a mix or not,” he said.

Regarding the suspicion of excessive distribution of Wemix, CEO Jang explained, “The amount of uncirculated amount was a matter of definition, not a matter of number. We all know where the number is, except for those with external investors.” did.

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Regarding the suspicion that he provided Wemix to a specific person through a private sale (private sale to specific investors) before listing Wemix, he said, “There was nothing in the private sale to an individual. There were four private sales, all of which we know. everything,” he said.

Then, regarding the suspicion that Wemix was paid to Congressman Kim through an airdrop, he said, “Airdrop is a marketing activity, and it is conducted to secure more users.” he emphasized.

Rep. Yoon Chang-hyeon, the secretary of the investigation team, asked Jang if he did not know Rep. Kim Nam-guk. CEO Jang drew a line, saying, “I didn’t know at all. At that time, all board meetings were recorded, so please check.”

Rep. Yoon asked again, ‘(Wemix Coin) 400,000, 500,000, and 1 million went back and forth, did you not know?’

In response to Director Kim’s question, “Are you saying you didn’t know Rep. Kim?” CEO Jang confirmed, “I didn’t even know Rep. Kim. (Rep. Yoon) asked if Rep. Kim was aware of such a deal in the media, but he didn’t know that either.” did. He also said, “No abnormal transactions, no transactions have been reported to the board.”

Rep. Park Hyung-soo asked, “In December 2021, there is an amendment to the Game Industry Promotion Act proposed by Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Yong-ki. The P2E bill. It was the company’s biggest long-awaited project.”

However, CEO Jang said, “I don’t know what it means to be a long-cherished project, but speaking of the interview I did at the time, it’s a long way from being P2E in Korea, so we won’t relax in Korea. It wasn’t,” he said and distanced himself

Rep. Park asked, “Have you ever tried to make it possible?” and CEO Jang replied, “I have explained how P2E was allowed worldwide.”

In response to Park’s question, “Have you ever met a lawmaker specifically for the activation and legalization of the P2E industry?”

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However, to the question ‘Have you met (have you met at WeMade)?’, he said, “I think I have.” and “But I haven’t seen or received anything. Who met whom?” When asked if it was possible to find out later, he replied, “I think I can.”

Rep. Park asked, “Have you ever entered the hall or the main building to meet a member?”, but Jang drew the line, saying, “No.” In response to the question, “Have you met anyone else at WeMade?”, CEO Jang said, “I don’t know exactly, but in 2021, there will be no rental team. I will check with the PR team staff.”

Rep. Park also asked, “Is there anything that was found to have been airdropped to Rep. Kim directly from Wemade?”, and CEO Jang replied, “No.”

However, when asked if he could be airdropped without knowing if he was Congressman Kim, CEO Jang acknowledged, “Yes.” To the question, ‘You could have done it yourself, or the exchange could give it away for free’, he said, “Yes, I don’t know about the exchange part.”

Rep. Choi Hyung-doo asked, “(Rep. Kim said the main source of Wemix) was an airdrop,” but CEO Jang drew a line saying, “There is no possibility that the main source is an airdrop.”

Rep. Choi also pointed out, “Bitseom did not report the abnormal transaction of Rep. Kim’s Wemix. Is it because of the special relationship between CEO Jang and Bitsum?” CEO Jang denied, “I don’t know because it’s an internal affair, but I had no (relationship) with me.”

Rep. Choi also asked, “Is there a possibility that it will be delivered to someone in the form of a cold wallet in a form that the representative cannot control?” There is no such thing as a cold wallet from now on, and in order to be reused again, it must be connected to the Internet again someday. Cold wallets have no monetary value.”

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Rep. Choi also raised a question, ‘I don’t know CEO Jang, but someone had Wemix stocks in the form of a cold wallet and passed it on to Congressman Kim or someone, and through what process did Congressman Kim transfer from Bithumb to Upbit?’

However, CEO Jang denied it again, saying, “There is no record that has been delivered to anyone, whether it be Kim Nam-guk or anyone else.”

Director Kim met with reporters after a private inquiry and said, “The fact-finding team visited WeMade, which has been the center of many controversies, and exchanged candid words with CEO Jang.”

“The contents shared at the public meeting discussed areas of interest such as the additional distribution volume of Wemix and the suspension of trading, and in the private meeting, what kind of activities were conducted as part of legalization efforts and the parts about Private Cel, etc. I will tell you that we have decided to provide it.”

Director Kim said, “In his closing remarks, CEO Jang expressed his frustration about why Congressman Nam-guk Kim did not disclose the transaction details, so I think providing the transaction details is the starting point for solving Coingate.”

Regarding the plan to visit Bithumb, the virtual asset exchange, Director Kim said, “We are currently in contact with Bithumb on such matters.”

On the other hand, before entering WeMade, leader Kim Seong-won said, “Following Rep. Kim’s surprise withdrawal from the party, the Democratic Party’s fact-finding team is known to have given up further fact-finding without any results.” It seems that he has closed his ears to the voices demanding the truth.”

“The People’s Power Coin Gate fact-finding team will do its best to fulfill the people’s wishes and uncover the substantial truth,” he said. It will become a deeper and darker river.”

◎Sympathy Press Newsis [email protected]

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