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“Scholz update”: Andreas Tyrock in the podcast: “The Zoff will continue”

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“Scholz update”: Andreas Tyrock in the podcast: “The Zoff will continue”

The traffic light parties are striving for harmonious work. But is that even possible? WAZ editor-in-chief Andreas Tyrock says no.

Is former head of government Ulrich Wilhelm right when he doesn’t expect the federal government to Olaf Scholz experienced the end of the legislative period? “In any case, after a year and a half, it becomes clear that the three partners don’t go so well together,” says Andreas Tyrock, editor-in-chief of the WAZ. In a Forsa survey commissioned by “WAZ”, 84 percent of those surveyed stated that the coalition continue bickering and will not come to a harmonious employment relationship by the end of the legislative period.

At the same time, the three partners have an interest in the traffic light coalition being a success, according to Tyrock, nobody wants to be part of one Government be who failed. “The FDP doesn’t want to fail, the Greens mustn’t fail and Olaf Scholz and the SPD will try everything to keep the government together in order not to have to go to new elections prematurely.” The biggest tasks lie ahead of Christian Lindner and the FDPwho would have to see “how they get off the losing track and set their own issues again.” Linder has at least managed to get Scholz on his side, also because the Chancellor “is of the FDP type and closer to its chairman than him greens“.

Scholz update: “Hendrik Wüst is someone you like to underestimate”

So while the governing parties are arguing, you can observe the counter-model in North Rhine-Westphalia. reigns there Black green with a man at the top whom Olaf Scholz is said to have described as a “Prime Minister actor” and who could pose a threat to him in the next federal election. “Hendrik Wüst is someone you tend to underestimate, which is always a risk in politics,” says Tyrock. “He managed the generation change in the CDU North Rhine-Westphalia, he leads the government with the Greens relatively quietly and he is an expert in avoiding mistakes.”

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But Wüst will try everything to “keep chancellor ambitions at bay for as long as possible: he would never come out of the cover.” But of course he had to prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia to become chancellor candidate one day. “Hendrik Wüst will never say that he is not going to Berlin. That was one of the major political mistakes made by the former SPD Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft.” She ruled out moving to Berlin and was then accused of “self-dwarfing”.

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