Home » Science and Technology Empowers Modern Agriculture Special Exhibition at the Agricultural High Association

Science and Technology Empowers Modern Agriculture Special Exhibition at the Agricultural High Association

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Science and Technology Empowers Modern Agriculture Special Exhibition at the Agricultural High Association

2022-09-17 15:50:04Source: Shaanxi Daily

On September 15th, the Science and Technology Empowerment of Modern Agriculture Special Exhibition organized by the Provincial Association for Science and Technology appeared at the 29th Yangling Agricultural High School. The special exhibition is divided into three parts: the power of the Association for Science and Technology, the empowerment of science and technology, and the display of achievements. 13 special booths have been set up to display new technologies and achievements in agricultural science and technology. The exhibits cover the fields of planting, aquaculture, agricultural biotechnology, green food, Chinese medicinal materials, and fruit industry.

It is understood that the modern agricultural system empowered by science and technology of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology is sound. At present, all agricultural societies, provincial and municipal academician expert stations, 726 grass-roots agricultural technical associations, 199 small science and technology institutes, and 2898 science and technology voluntary service organizations are distributed in the whole country. All over the province, actively participate in the development of modern agriculture, and build brands and positions that technology empowers rural revitalization, such as smart agricultural technology associations and small science and technology courtyards.

In recent years, the Provincial Association for Science and Technology has united and led the majority of scientific and technological workers to focus on major issues such as the red line of arable land and intelligent agricultural machinery, speed up the supply of agricultural science and technology innovation services, and promote the healthy development of local leading industries; strengthen the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements, and support agro-related societies and small science and technology institutes Strengthen cooperation, establish a new type of agricultural science and technology service organization, and form a long-term mechanism for serving “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”; around characteristic industries such as grain, fruit, and animal husbandry, high-end academic exchange activities are held to guide the development of characteristic industries in the county.

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