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Selmayr summoned to Brussels after blood money teller

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Selmayr summoned to Brussels after blood money teller

The representative of the EU Commission in Austria, Martin Selmayr, answered questions from his hierarchical superiors in Brussels on Monday morning about the “blood money” claimant, as a spokesman for the Brussels authority confirmed. Details of the talks have not been disclosed for the time being. Last Wednesday, Selmayr criticized the billion-dollar Austrian gas payments to Russia as “blood money” and was summoned to the Vienna Foreign Ministry and Brussels.

Selmayr’s statement met with criticism as well as understanding. For example, the Vice Presidents of the EU Parliament Othmar Karas (ÖVP) and Evelyn Regner (SPÖ) declared the choice of words to be inappropriate, but the topic to be important. The EU Commission had distanced itself from Selmayr’s “regrettable and inappropriate statements”. A Commission spokesman emphasized that EU representatives in the member states play an important role and must “choose every word carefully.” He described Selmayr’s tone of voice as “inappropriate.” The Commission is also in contact with the Austrian government on the issue.

After Brussels, Selmayr will now travel to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) in Vienna, where he is expected in the coming days. A panel discussion has been announced for Wednesday morning at the House of the European Union in Vienna, in which Selmayr will also take part.

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