Home » So you can use cloves to lose weight

So you can use cloves to lose weight

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So you can use cloves to lose weight

Cloves have different antimicrobial properties that help lose weight.

Cloves are a common spice that are easily found on shelves and in kitchens. Because of its flavor and aroma, cloves are used in many recipes, but little is known about its benefits.

Benefits are attributed to it for skin and hair care and for weight loss. There is even a popular belief that the nail helps to clean energy and repel envy.

According to the US Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database, cloves are rich in many nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fiber.

The spice also contains essential vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, riboflavin, vitamin A, thiamine, and vitamin K.

It is said that cloves stimulate the metabolism and therefore help to lose weight. In addition, it has antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress, which lowers the risk of chronic diseases.

Tom note

To take full advantage of these properties, the infusion for weight loss mixes cloves with cinnamon and pepper.


– 50 grams of cloves

– 50 grams of cinnamon

– 50 grams of cayenne pepper

– 50 grams of cumin seeds

– Agua


1. Add all the ingredients to a pot with enough water and bring it to a boil. It will take around 20 minutes.

2. Strain the mixture.

3. Taste the liquid. If you don’t like the taste you can sweeten it with a little honey.

4. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Take a cup of this drink every morning, preferably on the aid.

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Remember that no drink is miraculous for weight loss and that if you want to do so, it must be accompanied by a nutritionist.

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