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social marches

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social marches

Social marches and authentic leaders will always be factors of social change. The perfection of Greek democracy was due to the fact that the legislators met in the agora in front of the citizens.

Subsequent democracies of the modern Western world retained that essence thanks to the fact that the popular election of legislators proportionally represented the different social opinions.

Those elected in such representative democracies had to render accounts in conventions of their parties, they had to explain whether or not they fulfilled the mission that the voters had entrusted to them.

The political parties had some statutes whose philosophical foundation was reliable to the extent that the legislative exercises were guided with political fidelity.

The parties were the result of social processes that corresponded to the economic development of societies and their political projects expressed the popular will.

But that democratic balance was weakened when “new parties” appeared, founded overnight, as lucrative enterprises of a few individuals.

Then the parties began to lose credibility and the crisis deepened when the governments considered that the press was the fourth estate that would serve to influence public opinion.

There was government information, very controversial, with which it assumed independent and critical positions, in an unequal fight because some received the guidelines of the economic groups in power.

Thus, the citizens were considered simple voters, because the legislators and the rulers did not return to render accounts to the citizens.

If we review the labor, health and tax reforms of previous governments, we will realize that these were not consulted or agreed upon with the citizenry.

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Many of the laws that negatively affected popular interests were approved with a clean desk, even full of micos and ambiguities.

It is strange that despite the fact that Minister Carolina Corcho explained in the media that they did not make her invisible, what are the pillars of the reform to improve the health of Colombians, there are some media and health negotiators who desperately and biasedly convince Colombians that they are presenting it to Congress without publicizing it and that it will devastate “the good things built by the EPS.”

Repeating lies as if they were true, they want to subliminally confuse in favor of the old and harmful health system generated with the validity of Law 100.

Will such a purpose be easy if there are many Colombians who have suffered from the poor service caused by the intermediation of the EPS? Will it be easy to convince the people that the labor reform will end the Colombian economy, when for half a century, the labor laws approved during the government of Alfonso López Pumarejo guaranteed overtime, night shifts, layoffs, and fair pensions? Why are there those who are scared that the President summons the people to explain to them what is the essence of the social reforms that he presents in his favor? Social marches are reliable indicators of opinion, more so than contracted surveys.

Fortunately, now the massive social networks show with images what some media minimize.


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