Home » Summer and the perfect 3rd (Google Workspace update) wave!

Summer and the perfect 3rd (Google Workspace update) wave!

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Summer and the perfect 3rd (Google Workspace update) wave!

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August, one of the summer months par excellence, is already behind us: but the new things it brought with it are of course retained! And here you can be particularly happy if you are at home in the Google world: After all, Google has sent out a whole wave of improvements (the 3rd for this summer) that you and all Google Workspace users can now benefit from can benefit.

Our colleague Max – who also celebrated his birthday in August – made a video in which he presents all the new features in detail (see YouTube link at the end of this article). Of course, Max’s videos are always worth watching – but for those who would like to read it in writing, we have created a short summary of the Google Workspace updates here.

#1: Improvements in Google Docs

Tables in Google Docs (00:20)

You may be familiar with the situation: sometimes everything just doesn’t go according to plan. Let’s say you’re supposed to create a concept for introducing new apps in your company, but the tables you want to include destroy your entire formatting: sentences remain at different heights between the tables, you want to place the table on the left, they but ends on the right side…

August finally provides relief:

With the new “Table Properties” feature you can now move the tables exactly where they should be. In fact, all you have to do is place the mouse cursor on the top left corner – and your tables can be dragged left, right, up, down, etc. Plus, you can now customize them better. A great help for everyone who e.g. B. Love comparisons!

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Link headings (00:49)

And another feature has been added to Google Docs since this Google Workspace update: copy hyperlinks to (sub)headings. To do this, simply right-click on a text defined as a “heading”, select “Copy heading link” and you’re done. The link then takes all readers to exactly this point in the document. This saves time – especially with very extensive documents – because you don’t have to scroll for a long time. Simple but effective!

#2: Finetuning for Google Sheets (1:13)

Yes, Google Sheets also got a polish in August: you can now do so en masse Convert addresses or locations as “Smart Chips” in Google Sheets. This means you can see Google Maps previews of one or more specific addresses directly in Google Sheets. This is practical if you, for example, B. make your travel plans or want to draw up event plans.

A goodie for mobile use (1:35)

People smart chips in Google Sheets, which display further information and contact options for specific people, are now also available for mobile devices. And because this information can now be viewed directly in Sheets on iOS and Android, stupid situations (“who was that again who offered me an exchange on the topic of XY at the conference?”) are finally a thing of the past.

More updates to Google Sheets in August:

#3: Awakened Google Slides Features (2:21)

This can really happen to anyone: You are following a presentation when suddenly a butterfly flies by and… The problem: After you have laboriously drawn your attention back to the presentation, you can no longer keep up. For anyone who sounds familiar – with the new Google Workspace update there is finally a solution to this problem!

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With the new Stifte-Tool in Google Slides Speakers can add comments and explanations to their slides. This means they are more able than ever to interact with their audience – and also give one or two butterfly fans the chance to get back in.

And on top:

You can now Save domain templates to your Google Slides, where you can store company-specific layouts, images, fonts, etc. Whenever someone needs their presentations in the CD, he or she can then easily access them. (2:43)

As with Google Slides, it is now possible to save themes in Forms – with the corresponding access to the company colors or layouts, fonts, etc., stored directly. Users can then simply select this theme.

#5: Features across the entire Google Workspace toolbox

Some of the hot August updates were implemented across several tools at once, while others address pain points in individual tools. These include the following features:

👀😌💕🤓🥭 – As we all know, pictures say louder than words, and this especially applies to emojis. And from now on you can have yours Enrich Google Sites with emojis. This way you give every message even more emphasis! 🙌 (3:20)

Edit alt text: You can edit alt texts (keyword accessibility) in Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Drawings. Previously, you had to right-click on the image to have this option. Now the corresponding command is in the sidebar, making it easier to access. (3:31)

Revamped look: Docs, Sheets and Slides on Android appear in a revised (and more beautiful) look. (4:02)

Google Drive: Drag’n’drop between Drive instances in Google Drive on Android with two different users is now possible. (4:15)

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Google Keep: Also on Android, rich texts can be reformatted in Google Keep – this provides more structure. (4:37)

Gmail: 이제 메일을 직접 번역할 수 있습니다. = you only understand train station? Gmail messages can now be translated into a language you understand right on your mobile device. (5:11)

Google Meet: The remote lecture is coming to an end and you are worried that someone might ask inappropriate questions that poison the atmosphere? With the new update, Google Meet now offers Q&A moderation, allowing you to review and approve questions participants want to ask. (5:22)

… and much more (from 5:38)!

Never miss a Google Workspace update again!

As you can see, Google is on the ball when it comes to updates, and it doesn’t look like this summer wave is going to die down anytime soon! Which of the new features will be particularly helpful to you in your everyday work? Or is one or the other still unclear? Then we recommend the video from our colleague Max, in which he presents all the new functions in more detail:

Feel free to leave him a like – and it’s best to subscribe directly our channelso you don’t miss any more updates!

Support for Google Workspace and Google Cloud

If Google-Cloud-Partner We would be happy to advise you on all aspects of Google Cloud and Google Workspace. Just contact us – Kai is an expert in Google Workspace and would be happy to show you how the solution can work for you and your company. Click here to schedule your consultation with him!

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