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The 10 best books on Saint Paul

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The 10 best books on Saint Paul

The list of books on St. Paul that we present in this article represents a comprehensive selection of works that explore the life, thought and influence of St. Paul, a figure of great significance in the history of Christianity. This collection offers a variety of perspectives covering a wide range of topics, allowing readers to deepen their understanding of St. Paul and his legacy.

What are the books about St. Paul about?

Among the books in the selection, there is “Lettere di San Paolo” edited by Rinaldo Fabris, which offers a new version of the letters written by Paolo. The edition presents a general introduction and specific introductions for each letter, providing insight into the context and meaning of each writing.
Another intriguing title is “Paolo. From Tarsus to Rome, the journey of a great innovator” by Romano Penna. This book explores Paul’s cultural background, his missionary journeys and the revolutionary power of his thought. Through an engaging narrative, the book offers an in-depth perspective on Paul’s life and work, highlighting his importance in the history of Christianity.

“Saint Paul” by Alain Badiou is a work that analyzes the universalism founded by Paul. Through incisive philosophical language, the author explores the relationship between truth and subject in Pauline thought, asking fundamental questions about the connection between truth and the price to pay to pursue it.
“St. Paul” by Ernest Renan offers a historical-critical reconstruction of Paul’s life. The author crosses the narration of the events contained in the Acts of the Apostles and in the epistles with other ancient sources, offering a new interpretation of the figure of Paul. Renan portrays Paul as a charismatic leader and the true founder of Christianity, but at the same time also recognizes the dogmatic rigidity of the Church as a consequence of his teaching.

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Carlo Scilironi’s “Saint Paul the Philosopher” also addresses the figure of Paul from a philosophical point of view. The author argues that Paul can be interpreted as a philosopher in his own right, and analyzes his impact on history and on philosophy itself.
In addition, the selection includes other titles that offer further insights into the life and thought of St. Paul.

List of the best books on St. Paul on Amazon

Now the list of the 10 best books on St. Paul that are present on Amazon.it:

FAQ on books about São Paulo

What are the top three books on St. Paul on Amazon?

What is the best book to understand the letters of St. Paul?

What book provides an insightful account of the life and thoughts of St. Paul?

The book Paolo since 2015, he has been offering an enthralling journey through his cultural background and revolutionary thinking.

What book explores the founding of universalism in São Paulo?

In St. Paul published in 2009, Alain Badiou delves into the connection between truth, subject and the price to pay for universal destinies.

Which book offers an in-depth exploration of the life and teachings of St. Paul?

The book St. Paul by Ernest Renan, published in 2014, presents a historical-critical interpretation of his life, conversion and central role in the early Christian community.

What book supports St. Paul as a philosopher and examines his impact?

The book Saint Paul the philosopher by Carlo Scilironi, published in 2022, presents a compelling argument for understanding Paul as a full-fledged philosopher with profound implications.

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What is the meaning of the book “Necessary metamorphosis. Re-reading Saint Paul “?

What is the theme of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “San Paolo”?

“San Paolo” was published in 2017. It explores the survival of a revolutionary ideal in institutionalization.

Who is the author of “The glorious madness. A novel from the time of Saint Paul”?

The author of The glorious madness is Louis de Wohl, a Hungarian Catholic writer and astrologer. Released in 2014.

What is the target audience of the book “Paul of Tarsus and his school”?

“Paul of Tarsus and his school” is aimed at young priests who study and teach Sacred Scripture.

What is the focus of the book “Paul of Tarsus and the invention of Christianity”?

The book, published in a new edition, delves into the unorthodox deeds of the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul.

Summary table of the best books on St. Paul

TitleAuthorEditionPagesLetters of St. Paul. New official version of the CEIFabris, R. (edited by)2009304Paul. From Tarsus to Rome, the journey of a great innovatorPenna, Romano2015131St. Paul. Foundation of universalismBadiou, Alain; Ferrari, F. (translator); Moscati, A. (translator) 2009171St. PaulRenan, Ernest; Acciarrini, Claudio (translator) 2014329Saint Paul the philosopherScilironi, Carlo2022112Metamorphosis needed. Rereading Saint PaulTolentino Mendonça, José; Bartolomei, Teresa (presentazione)2023144St. PaulPasolini, Pier Paolo; Bianchi, Enzo (Preface) 2017180The glorious madness. A novel from the time of Saint PaulWohl, Louis de; Cantoni, Elena (translator) 2014462Paul of Tarsus and his school. Commentary on all writingsCasalini, Nello20171200Paul of Tarsus and the invention of Christianity: The unscrupulous actions of a man who proclaimed himself an ApostleEsposito, Francesco; Biglino, Mauro (Preface)–248

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