Home » The Beijing Huimin Housing Rental Service Platform is launched to provide 530,000 suitable housing units for different rental demand groups-Qianlong.com·China Capital.com

The Beijing Huimin Housing Rental Service Platform is launched to provide 530,000 suitable housing units for different rental demand groups-Qianlong.com·China Capital.com

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The Beijing Huimin Housing Rental Service Platform is launched to provide 530,000 suitable housing units for different rental demand groups-Qianlong.com·China Capital.com

Source Title: The Beijing Huimin Housing Rental Service Platform is launched to provide 530,000 suitable housing units for different rental demand groups

The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the 6th that Beijing launched the Huimin Rental Housing Service Platform (hereinafter referred to as the platform) on February 6. According to the characteristics of housing rental demand classified by season, the platform launched multi-theme special rental activities to continue to provide residents of the city with refined and beneficial rental services.

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It is understood that under the guidance of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee, the Beijing Real Estate Intermediary Industry Association has built a network platform to mobilize all parties in the industry to actively participate, initially bringing together the city’s 52 mainstream housing rental agencies. The platform displays housing rental information and preferential measures in different areas and categories, and provides policy presentations, rental service guidance and consultation, supervision and complaints and other services. The platform is connected with the city’s housing rental management service platform, and all housing sources on the platform are required to be included in the rental management service platform’s housing source review, online signing and filing, and fund supervision.

In order to ensure the housing rental needs of staff returning to Beijing after the Spring Festival, standardize the development of the housing rental industry. The Beijing Real Estate Intermediary Industry Association relies on the platform to carry out the special service of benefiting the people to rent houses in the spring of action plan. The Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and other guidance industry associations organize a number of companies to provide 530,000 suitable housing units (rooms, beds) for different rental demand groups. , housing sources cover the needs of different groups of people. Participating companies promise not to increase service fees and rents during the event, and introduce a series of preferential measures, such as deposit exemption, monthly rent payment, rent, etc.

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At the launching ceremony of the special service activity of Huimin Renting in the Spring Return Plan of Action, the industry association initiated the “selection of massive housing sources, complete types of residential dormitories, full rental and joint renting, guaranteed housing authenticity, and online viewing of housing conditions. , “Choose and rent online sign-ups, monthly rent payments, discounts on deposit commissions, record filing for participating companies, and lawyers for dispute mediation” and other initiatives, organize companies to provide suitable housing sources and preferential services and make commitments.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission stated that since 2019, the Municipal Housing and Construction Commission has continued to focus on the issue of housing rental for fresh graduates, and launched a series of activities of “Graduation Season Rental Services Entering Campus”. Item Party building to promote people’s livelihood brand. On the basis of summarizing the work experience of “Graduation Season Rental Services Entering Campuses”, the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Committee continues to leverage the strengths of industry associations, mainstream enterprises, and relevant departments to further establish a long-term service mechanism and guide industry associations to build a rental service platform for the benefit of the people. , the platform is an upgrade of the Minsheng brand of “Graduation Season Rental Services Entering Campuses”. After that, the industry will continue to guide the industry to launch multi-themed special renting activities to benefit the people such as “Graduation Season” and “Urban Operation Service Guarantee Personnel” by season.

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