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The Community Council praises the King’s message regarding the blog

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The Community Council praises the King’s message regarding the blog

Hespress Moroccans of the World Photo: Hespress Archive from RabatTuesday 26 September 2023 – 17:48

The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad praised the contents of the royal letter to the Prime Minister regarding the review of the Family Code, adding that it embodies the generous care that His Majesty has always given to the advancement of women and family issues in general.

The aforementioned Council also noted, in a report received by Hespress, “the participatory approach on which the Royal Message focused by stipulating that His Majesty entrusts scientific supervision of the preparation of the Code reform to the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Council of the Judicial Authority, and the Presidency of the Public Prosecution, while also being open to the bodies of And civil society activists, researchers and specialists, as stated in the Royal Court’s communiqué.

The same source added that the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad decided to draw the attention of the institutions charged with overseeing these major reform workshops to some of the legal problems that obstruct the implementation of a group of provisions of the current Family Code abroad, which conflict with some of the legislation of the countries of residence, with the aim of bringing them into the discussion related to reforming the Family Code. ; Given the special care that King Mohammed VI gives to Moroccans residing abroad and the constitutional status granted by the 2011 Constitution to this category of Moroccan citizens, and taking into account its legal and demographic specificity.

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The same council pointed out some of the problems raised, especially the issue of recording the percentage of births resulting from undocumented marriage for any reason. The period for submitting requests to file marital claims; The problem of accepting mixed marriages in the documentation departments of consulates. In addition to the problems related to sponsoring children and determining alimony.

In this regard, the institution concerned with the affairs of Moroccans around the world highlighted that the aforementioned problems are practical issues that require the development of amendments, within the limits of what is possible, that are appropriate to the contexts of the countries of residence, and flexibility in applying the provisions of the Code abroad in a way that allows for fairness and preservation of the rights of all parties.

Abdullah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, stressed that the reform of the Family Code will constitute a national historical moment in order to strengthen the pioneering roles of Moroccan women inside and outside the country in preserving national identity, and to dedicate the centrality of the family as a basic building block for building Moroccan society and as an essential element in the connection to the homeland for For new generations of Moroccans around the world, as proven by a study on Moroccan youth in Europe prepared by the Council in partnership with one of the European opinion polling institutes.

Boussouf stressed that “in implementation of the High Royal Directives, the Council, as a consultative and forward-looking institution concerned with issues of immigration and Moroccans of the world, places its experience and scientific productions on the subject of the Family Code at the disposal of the institutional actors to whom His Majesty entrusted the supervision of the preparation of this important reform.”

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King Mohammed VI, Community Council, Family Code

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