Home » The Controversial Case: Electric Bicycle Owner Held Liable for Accident and Forced to Pay High Compensation

The Controversial Case: Electric Bicycle Owner Held Liable for Accident and Forced to Pay High Compensation

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Title: The man riding an electric car was hit and flew, and the owner needs to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan! The traffic police judgment sparked heated debate

In a recent traffic accident in Shanghai’s Hongkou District, a driver of an electric bicycle was held fully responsible for the collision with a sports car. As a result, the driver was ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan in damages. This incident has raised questions about the preconceived notions regarding insurance coverage and responsibility in motor vehicle accidents.

The Accident:
On June 28, 2023, a collision occurred between an electric bicycle and a sports car at an intersection. The electric bicycle rider failed to adhere to traffic rules and ran a red light, leading to the accident. Despite the sports car driver’s attempts to brake, a collision was unavoidable. Fortunately, the electric bicycle rider sustained only minor injuries.

Traffic Police Investigation and Verdict:
During the investigation conducted by the traffic police, it was determined that the electric bicycle rider, identified as Deng, had violated traffic regulations and was fully responsible for the accident and subsequent damages. Deng expressed deep regret for his actions, acknowledging that if he had followed the rules, the accident wouldn’t have occurred.

Public Reaction and Discussion:
Upon the public release of the accident report by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, it gained significant attention and generated a heated response. Numerous comments praising the traffic police’s ruling flooded social media platforms. The comments emphasized the importance of bearing full responsibility for accidents caused by running red lights and expressed hope that traffic police nationwide would take similar actions.

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Traffic Police Reminder:
The traffic police department emphasized the vulnerability of non-motor vehicles and urged riders to abide by traffic regulations, avoid running red lights, and refrain from competing with motor vehicles. They highlighted the absence of protective measures for non-motor vehicles, making them more susceptible to severe injuries in accidents involving motor vehicles.

E-bike Rider Responsibility:
The traffic police reinforced the importance of e-bike riders’ adherence to traffic rules, including stopping at red lights, wearing safety helmets, and conforming to the regulations. By doing so, e-bike riders fulfill their responsibility to themselves, their families, and others, while contributing to the development of a civilized and orderly urban traffic environment.

The recent traffic accident in Shanghai’s Hongkou District, where an electric bicycle rider was held fully responsible for colliding with a sports car, has sparked a debate on insurance coverage and responsibility in motor vehicle accidents. The incident serves as a reminder for riders to follow traffic regulations and prioritize their safety when engaging with motor vehicles on the road.

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