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The fast information service for warnings!

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The fast information service for warnings!

The “App-mahnradar” of the IT-Recht Kanzlei, i.e. our app for warnings, now has around 3,000 subscribers, and the trend is rising. In this way, we are reaching more and more dealers to inform them about the current warning – with the clear aim of avoiding warnings. With the “App-mahnradar” all information and tips on the subject of warnings can be called up quickly and easily. And of course in the areas of law relevant to warnings: competition law, trademark law and copyright law.

Warning protection 360°!

Information about warnings was and is a focus of the IT law firm. Even if the legislature some time ago with the law against the misuse of warnings has attempted to curb the warning system, it can be seen that some warning topics have disappeared, but other topics have taken their place. Warnings themselves are therefore still a relevant problem for retailers. Quite apart from the fact that trademark and copyright warnings were exempt from this law anyway.

We will therefore continue to provide information about warnings – in various ways and channels.

We exclusively provide our clients with an overview of the classic warning traps and the most frequently warned advertising terms in the client portal. In addition, we report for everyone on our website in our warning radar weekly about the current warnings. Or summarize all topics again monthly. And not just in competition law.

On the radar we have too trademark and copyright warnings – because these are increasing more and more and are also very expensive because of the regularly high item values. And they can affect any retailer – something like this:

  • Unauthorized use of protected trademarks – identical or similar
  • Unknowing use of protected terms (such as the use of apparent generic characters, although trademark protection exists)
  • Unauthorized use of images
  • Unauthorized Use of Text
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In our blacklist, we summarize the brand terms most frequently warned of lately and thus provide a good overview of well over 200 so-called no-go signs.

With our App-mahnradar we have completed our extensive 360 ​​degree service on the subject of warnings.

No costs: One app for everyone!

Ultimately, we are targeting all retailers with our radar app. Unfortunately, warnings apply to everyone – regardless of whether they are retailers on platforms or with their own online shop or just operators of social media accounts.

And of course we don’t just limit the use to clients of the IT law firm. The App is for everyonewho are interested in the topic of warnings.

And: The app is of course free to use.

Practical: Anyone who is affected by a warning can use a Upload function Simply upload your own warning in the app and send it to us – we will then get back to you with a free initial assessment and a timetable for further action.

Where is the app?

The app can be obtained from the IOS and Android app stores under the name “Abmahnradar”.

Alternatively, please use the direct links below:

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