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The generation of enjoyment

by admin
The generation of enjoyment

If something has been lost over the years in the behavior of the Colombian, it is shame. We had built a society where acting badly, being wrong or messing it up flooded with shame. So much so that many of their faces fell and others the blush on their faces gave them away.

But since when we made that jumble of drug-trafficking culture with the dissolution of the sin of priests who were stripped of their cassocks, pulpits, and confessionals, and we crowned it with instant internet communication and cell phone dictatorship, shame has He was transferred to the rewitching room.

And it is not only the boys who are almost always asked to answer with a lapidary “yes, I did it and what?” The lack of shame has infected everyone equally.

Consequently, the order in behavior that generated respect or contempt for those who made the mistake or the sin also disappeared. Now everyone does what they want and citizen disorder grows in gush to supposedly build a new order.

The established norms are questioned or simply disobeyed. Few have put themselves into the work of drafting new ones and rather let wear and tear or the utility of supply and demand or the rationality immersed in human action build the new civic order.

Nothing is ugly anymore, nor is it beautiful. There are no longer strict regimens to dress or to appear in society. It is enough to have the cell phone in hand and know how to use the increasingly numerous applications to get out of the quagmire or escape responsibility or obtain a juicy profit.

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We are entering the future with our eyes open but seeing nothing. It is the insurance that algorithms or Artificial Intelligence sell to be included in the Generation of Enjoyment.


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