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The ku klux klan, violence against blacks

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The ku klux klan, violence against blacks

The United States of America was constituted for centuries at the epicenter of disputes for power and especially for the dominance of the white ethnic group against the enslaved blacks. The submission and the uprising were always in front through discussions that increased every day, some in search of total submission and others in search of their freedom.

However, a light is turned on at the end of the darkness when the northerners win the war of secession, however, the losing southerners did not accept their defeat and even more so assume that President Abraham Lincoln had abolished slavery in the country of the north. The enactment of this law was disastrous for slave farmers since without slaves it was impossible to subsist.

General Nathan Bedford Forrest appears as the great loser of the war of secession, who in the company of other defeated decides to create an organization that seeks hatred towards blacks, the subjugation and extermination of the ethnic group.

Forrest amassed substantial wealth as a cotton plantation owner, a horse and cattle trader, a real estate broker, and especially a Negro trader.

After their liberation during the civil war by Abraham Lincoln, the southern states, resentful of their defeat during the civil war, enacted a variety of laws to discriminate against black citizens. This phenomenon occurred during the post-civil war “reconstruction” period. With the election of Rutherford B. Hayes as the 19th president, discrimination spread to the northern states that initially had it more gently, to such an extent that at the beginning of the 20th century the severity of discrimination and racism could be seen. in places like New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles. According to a study, between 1830 and 1950, 4,000 blacks were lynched in the United States. That, according to the source, many times these lynchings were carried out in a public square, something like a cockfight or any fun event that motivated an audience with thousands of spectators just to see enslaved blacks massacred.

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Rise of the Ku Klux Klan

The first incarnation of the Klan was founded in late 1865 by veteran losers after the Civil War who wanted to resist rebuilding. The organization quickly adopted violent methods to achieve its ends. However, there was a backlash that soon led to the decline of the organization, as southern elites saw the Klan as a pretext for federal troops to be active in southern states. The KKK, as it was initially called, was formally dissolved by Republican President Ulysses Grant, through the Civil Rights Act of 1871 (known as the Ku Klux Klan Act).

The growth was dizzying, until today it has reached five million members and whom no US government has declared as “terrorists or organized criminals.”

The dramatic thing has been how “the spirit of the Klan” has been ideologically staining a part of North American society, who have dedicated themselves exclusively to the extermination of blacks both physically, culturally and morally, “If we briefly review the history of the United States, we will come to the inevitable conclusion that what the Klan assumes is a constant in our national behavior. Sometimes it remains static, but it is not dead but just like a volcano that erupts. They commit massacres or randomly murder blacks to show their status and power.

The great replacement

The great replacement or the great replacement is a far-right conspiracy theory, according to which white French Catholics and the white Christian European population in general are being systematically replaced with non-European peoples, specifically Arabs and Latinos, this xenophobic group has spread by various locations in the United States causing havoc such as the killing of 10 children and injuries to three more, this multiple crime where 8 of the victims were black, was attributed to an 18-year-old who hates blacks because according to the philosophy of the members of the great replacement, the white race will be replaced by the black, which they see as an attack against white supremacy that for them is inconceivable from every point of view.


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