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The Line of Control and the United Nations

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The Line of Control and the United Nations

In the resolution presented by the members of the Legislative Assembly of Azad Kashmiri on Kashmir, India has been urged to withdraw the illegal actions of August 5, 2019. Conspiracies to make the Line of Control an international border will not be allowed to succeed. Addressing the meeting of Azad Kashmir Assembly, the President of Azad Kashmir said that elections in Occupied Kashmir cannot be a substitute for United Nations resolutions. Meanwhile, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has said that they will continue to help Kashmiris at every forum to resolve the Kashmir issue. “The worst atrocities are being committed on Muslims in 9 states of India” and support the OIC’s condemnation statement regarding atrocities on Muslims in India. There are problems, human rights organizations have to get an answer from India, the life of unwashed Kashmiris in the occupied valley is suffering from severe difficulties, they also support the United Nations condemnation statement on the ongoing atrocities in Occupied Kashmir, as far as Azad Regarding the resolution of the Kashmir Assembly, the most responsibility rests on the United Nations, whose organization, the Security Council, has passed resolutions to resolve the issue of Kashmir and according to these resolutions, the future of Kashmir is decided. The Kashmiri people have to do it themselves through a referendum. and by establishing a puppet assembly, created a drama of Kashmir’s accession to India through it, but the Kashmiri people and the political leadership there started a struggle for freedom against this illegal move of India. approached the United Nations and passed several resolutions in this regard in the Security Council and insisted on resolving the Kashmir issue according to the will of the Kashmiri people. I assured the implementation of the UN resolutions, after which the UN appointed observers on the Line of Control, but later India reneged on its promises and passed resolutions through the puppet Assembly of Occupied Kashmir to merge Kashmir with India. made efforts, but the Kashmiri leadership overturned these efforts, as a result of which the political leaders of Occupied Kashmir were subjected to the hardships of imprisonment and the mountains of oppression were being inflicted on the Kashmiri people in the Occupied Valley. It is ongoing because on August 5, 2019, the Modi government put into practice the philosophy of India as an “integral member” by abolishing the rights given to the Kashmiri people in the Indian constitution and the Indian constitutional status of the occupied valley. In view of this, he imposed a curfew in the occupied valley and negated the resolutions of the Security Council. After that, the news about the violation of human rights from the occupied valley came out with great difficulty. There was concern about the massacre in the entire Islamic world, especially in the countries that support human rights, and in this context, voices were raised from all over the world against Indian atrocities. “Retract the inhumane actions, but the Modi government is still adamant about its inhumane actions and is maintaining the state oppression of Muslims in the occupied valley.” It is a clear violation of the resolutions of ‘Therefore, not only the United Nations but also the international community and especially the OIC countries will have to plan to stop these illegal actions of India because the Kashmir issue is still pending and as long as the security of the United Nations is not According to the resolutions of the Council, measures will not be taken under the supervision of the United Nations to allow the Kashmiri people to decide their future, this issue will remain the same.

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