Home » The Manifesto for the future of the book starts on Saturday in Ivrea

The Manifesto for the future of the book starts on Saturday in Ivrea

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The Manifesto for the future of the book starts on Saturday in Ivrea

IVREA. Is publishing really doing something to protect the environment? What are the concrete actions that the book supply chain can take to improve the ecological footprint of the sector? These questions correspond to as many commitments regarding the future of books and publishing today collected in the Manifesto for environmental publishing that will be previewed in the Sala Dorata on Saturday 5 at 11.30 in Ivrea, the Italian capital of 2022 books with the participation representatives of the major companies in the publishing world: Aie, Adei, Aib, Ali, Cepell and the Turin Book Fair.

The meeting marks the start of the process for the construction of the Manifesto for the future of the book, the final document that Ivrea will deliver in the hands of the Ministry of Culture as the legacy of the year as a capital.

The project for the green book was drawn up by the students of the University Master in Publishing of Pavia on the basis of European examples, with the aim of creating a document open to updates, changes and insights. Anyone wishing to actively engage can subscribe to it on the site at Change.org.

The text will also be available in the volume Via col verde. Behind the scenes of environmental publishing (Edizioni Santa Caterina), which is part of the Libri di Libri series directed by Roberto Cicala. It contains essays and contributions on the subject including an exclusive interview with the Indian writer and journalist Amitav Ghosh.

The publication comes out as part of the Legambiente Read2green project in collaboration with the University College of S. Caterina da Siena in Pavia, home to one of the most authoritative Italian masters in publishing, thanks to the contribution of the Cariplo Foundation, aiming to stimulate the culture of reading. starting from environmental issues.

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The goal, among others, is to involve young people in experimenting with new strategies to spread reading through shared planning paths.

“The issue of environmental sustainability is an urgency that we can no longer escape from – comments the councilor for culture of Ivrea Costanza Casali – It is important that the reflection on the relationship between books and the environment starts from Ivrea in the year of Book Capital, providing a contribution to the construction of the Manifesto of the book of the future we are working on ».

“The construction for the manifesto for the future of the book could only start from the theme of sustainability – underlines Paolo Verri, coordinator of the Ivrea Book Capital program – After a presentation of Ivrea 2022 at the Publishing Master of the University of Pavia, we a beautiful collaboration has started which is now bearing its first fruits ».

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