Home » The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference on the promotion of medical security work to implement the medical insurance policy for the treatment expenses of patients infected with the new coronavirus-Finance-Kaifeng.com

The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference on the promotion of medical security work to implement the medical insurance policy for the treatment expenses of patients infected with the new coronavirus-Finance-Kaifeng.com

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The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference on the promotion of medical security work to implement the medical insurance policy for the treatment expenses of patients infected with the new coronavirus

Source: Bianliang Evening News

Author: Wang Yujie

Release time: 2023-01-21 10:02:33

All-media reporter Wang Yujie reported that in order to further implement the national and provincial new crown virus infection implementation of “Class B and B management” related policies on medical insurance for treatment expenses of infected patients, recently, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau held a video conference on the promotion of medical insurance for treatment expenses of patients infected with new crown virus in the city .

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to implement the “people-centered” concept, consolidate the main responsibility, and improve the working mechanism.

Strengthen the protection of key groups such as old, young, pregnant and disabled women. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen coordination and linkage with health, finance and other departments to implement the medical insurance policy for the treatment expenses of infected patients after the implementation of the “Class B and B Control” of the new crown virus infection. .

The meeting focused on guarantees for hospitalization expenses, guarantees for outpatient and emergency expenses in designated grassroots medical institutions, medical insurance catalogues, expanding the scope of designated medical insurance, and “Internet” medical services.

In terms of insurance services and departmental responsibilities, etc., a detailed interpretation of the “Notice of Kaifeng Municipal Health and Health Commission on the Optimization and Adjustment of Medical Insurance Related Policies after the Implementation of “Class B and B Management” of New Coronavirus Infection” by Kaifeng Medical Security Bureau Kaifeng Finance Bureau Interpretation of the corresponding medical insurance handling services after the implementation of the “Class B and B Management” of the new crown virus infection, and explained the precautions for the transformation of the hospital information system.

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