Home » The Municipality of Ferrara provides 1 million and 700 thousand euros to design social welfare and health interventions at district level

The Municipality of Ferrara provides 1 million and 700 thousand euros to design social welfare and health interventions at district level

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SOCIAL POLICIES – The Area Plan has been approved, the result of a participatory process proposed by councilor Coletti: “Renewed document corresponding to the pressing problems of each segment of the population”

Ferrara, 04/11/2023. A document worth 1 million and 700 thousand euros, which reveals the transversal commitment of the municipal administration in supporting projects aimed at overcoming all the fragilities that afflict every segment of the population.

The council has received final approval of the 2023 Area Plan for health and social well-being of the Central-North socio-health district, an area of ​​which Ferrara is the leading municipality.

The planning of the Implementation Plan was drawn up through a co-programming process aimed at Third Sector Bodies, strongly desired by themunicipal councilor for social policies Cristina Coletti.

Participation was developed through 5 meetings: 3 of co-programming in which 40 associations took part, including the Ferrarese Disabled Area Committee which represents almost 50 at a local level, and 2 of illustration of the final elaboration at the Third Sector Forum together with the CSV, and finally with the trade unions.

“Is critical – says councilor Cristina Coletti – outline the lines and methods of intervention with the active involvement of the social components of the territory. Doing so right from the planning stage was crucial for the final result, i.e. an Area Plan calibrated on the most effective ways to satisfy the needs identified together with the Third Sector Bodies. The Implementation Plan is a fundamental document, which outlines all the activities carried out by the Administration in coordination with social services and health companies. There is a lot of satisfaction because we managed to propose a renewed document that corresponds to the most pressing current problems, thanks to the requests received during the participatory process”.

In the final programming, which obtained approval, numerous diversified initiatives were included, aimed at creating health, physical and psychological well-being. The Implementation Plan is in fact made up of projects aimed at supporting those affected by dementia-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, support for research and oncological treatments, collaboration with social services to respond to social, housing and educational problems. The attention paid to combating the isolation of the elderly, the social inclusion of people with disabilities and extreme marginalization is also strengthened.

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The proposal also takes into account the needs of the new generations on which actions linked to workshops have been focused on various themes of promoting well-being in adolescence, and on strengthening the protection and safety network for women and minors.

The most conspicuous chapter, however, is reserved for social projects.

“The resources allocated to the Third Sector – explains Coletti – they are over 70% of the total sum of the Area Plan. This allows us to increase the ability to respond to the expectations of the most vulnerable citizens, also with the provision of resources through the public tender which has also been confirmed for this year. The associative fabric has once again proven to be strong, competent and determined in implementing the collaboration with the Administration which is bringing many answers to citizens in need”.

The interventions will be implemented at district level. The Centre-North socio-health district includes the municipalities of Ferrara (leader), Masi Torello, Voghiera, the Union of Land and River Municipalities (Copparo, Tresignana and Riva del Po), the ASL and Aospfe Health Authorities, and the companies of personal services Asp and Assp.

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