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The parliamentary opposition fails to collect signatures

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The parliamentary opposition fails to collect signatures

An informed source from the House of Representatives office revealed to Hespress that Rashid Talbi Alami, the aforementioned Speaker of Parliament, did not reach any list of parliamentarians’ signatures concerning the formation of a fact-finding committee on the “importing Russian gas” incident.

A Hespress source explained that the council president did not receive any signatures from the opposition factions. This means that the team leaders behind this initiative chose to announce it in the press only, without having any institutional impact.

The same source attributed the failure of the Speaker of Parliament to reach the list of signatures required to form a fact-finding committee to the inability of those behind this initiative to collect the signatures required by the constitution, indicating that the number of deputies of the teams that announced their involvement in this initiative does not exceed half the number required to accept the request.

The number of members of the Popular Movement, Progress and Socialism teams and the parliamentary group of the Justice and Development Party who signed the initiative does not exceed 63 members, while the formation of a fact-finding committee requires obtaining more than 131 signatures.

According to Article 67 of the Constitution, it is permissible to form, at the initiative of the King, or at the request of one-third of the members of the House of Representatives, or one-third of the members of the House of Advisors, parliamentary fact-finding committees, entrusted with collecting information related to specific facts, managing public interests, institutions and contracting, and informing the House of Representatives. Which formed it on the results of its work.

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Fact-finding committees may not be formed in cases that are the subject of judicial prosecutions as long as such prosecutions are ongoing. The mission of each previously established fact-finding committee ends immediately after a judicial investigation is opened in the facts that necessitated its formation.

Fact-finding committees are temporary in nature, and their work ends with depositing its report with the concerned council office, and when necessary, by referring it to the judiciary by the president of this council.

This oversight initiative, according to its signatories, follows what has been circulated that companies specializing in the free import of hydrocarbons resorted to acquiring Russian gas, in large quantities. However, with burning questions related to the documents proving the source of this import and its prices, as well as the profits that raise doubts about their legitimacy, and about the transparency of the related commercial operations, in addition to what may have occurred in terms of speculation based on the re-export of this imported Russian gas, outside the applicable controls. to other countries that prohibit its import.

The components of the House of Representatives behind this initiative, according to the letter of the signatories to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, aim for the House to find out the reality of these doubts and suspicions, especially since the issue is closely related to energy security, the energy bill, high prices, the purchasing power of the Moroccan citizen, the capabilities of the national enterprise, and the assumed tax revenues and wisdom. Business world.

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The aforementioned components behind the initiative also aim to clarify the circumstances and merits of the matter, in order for the concerned authorities to take the necessary steps later, each in their place of responsibility and competence, and within the framework of what is permitted by the constitution and the law, in order to reassure public opinion in the event of the absence of suspicions or in order to Arranging the necessary effects, if proven.

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