Home » The primary of October 22 should not be in the hands of the CNE

The primary of October 22 should not be in the hands of the CNE

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The primary of October 22 should not be in the hands of the CNE

Andrés Velásquez, candidate for the primary for Cause R, brought a message of unity and commitment to the country this morning to Monagas.

The candidate of the Case R to the opposition primaries, Andres Velasqueztoured this Saturday the main streets of the Sabana Grande sector, east of Maturín, where he brought a message of unity and commitment to the country’s democracy, with good receptivity from the inhabitants of the area, who expressed their wishes for change .

Velásquez, in the company of the campaign coordinator at the national level, Alfredo Ramos, the regional leadership of the party headed by Pablo Morillo V., highlighted at a press conference that he is committed to Venezuelans who can no longer bear the situation of poverty and misery to which they are subjected by the bad policies with which they have led the country in the last 20 years and assured that in each journey he has made throughout the country, he has found a desire for change in the people.

“We are in direct street contact in Maturín, as the irreplaceable formula with the population. Before, we were in Cumaná and Barcelona, ​​trying to motivate participation in the primaries, promoting unity and the candidacy of Andrés Velásquez. Once the national unity candidate is elected, proceed to motivate the vote for the presidential elections. I believe in the determination that this people has and it is clearly indicated, evidenced throughout the journey that we have made that more than 85% of Venezuelans want to get out of these levels of poverty, ruin and hunger, “he said.

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Regarding the participation of the National Electoral Council in the primary process scheduled by the unit for the upcoming October 22 and for which the electoral body has dictated some measures, Velásquez replied: “The CNE has nothing to do with this process, because they are internal and cannot be placed in the hands of the CNE”.

Regarding the issue, he questioned: “I want to ask the democratic opposition sectors a question, is that did they give in, did they surrender to the government? It is an alert that I make, because I see that there are factors of the unitary platform that agree to put total control of the primaries in the hands of the government, or do they want the Tascón lists to be repeated in Venezuela? This is unacceptable and does not have any kind of justification and in this sense we alert the country”, replied the candidate of Causa R.

He stressed that putting the primaries in the hands of the electoral body would be betting on their failure, because the people would not participate in that, precisely because this is a town that is tired of the Government continuing to impose whatever they want with the complicity of some sectors of the opposition.

Venezuelans abroad have the right to participate in the primary

The leader of Cause R insists on the participation of migrants from their concentration sites and in this way they can also vote in the presidential elections scheduled for 2024.

He stressed that contrary to the supposed support of the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro to Venezuela, regarding the cessation of sanctions, “The sanctions are given because there is no democracy, democratic countries are not sanctioned, but this is a country investigated for crimes of crimes against humanity, a country that has 285 political prisoners who die in jails, and for other reasons, we consider that Petro cannot be a mediator, because he tries to strengthen himself”.

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Finally, he called on the workers and the different trade union organizations to demonstrate and demand this May Day. «My accompaniment especially to the protests of the teachers because there are no salaries, the collective contracts have ended, they have subjected the workers to a condition of slavery, the salary tables have finished, the increases, there is no concern for occupational health, safety at work, it is forbidden to organize in unions, you have to go out and demand that all labor and contractual rights be restored,” he said.

andres velasquez who requests cne participation in primaries surrendered to the government laverdaddemonagas.com recorrido7
Andrés Velásquez greeted the vendors in the area.
andres velasquez who requests cne participation in primaries surrendered to the government laverdaddemonagas.com tour 9
Velásquez listened to the concerns of the inhabitants of Maturín.
andres velasquez who requests cne participation in primaries surrendered to the government laverdaddemonagas.com tour 10
He also received expressions of affection from the Monaguenses.
andres velasquez who requests cne participation in primaries surrendered to the government laverdaddemonagas.com andres velasquez4
He toured the Sabana Grande de Maturín sector.
Andres Velasquez
He delivered his proposals to the residents of Sabana Grande.
Andres Velasquez
The Causa R team in Monagas and allied factors accompanied Andrés Velásquez in Maturín.

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