Home » The professor doesn’t name it” Is anemia a kind of “bloodless disease”?Take a Biology Lesson Following the Greek Roots

The professor doesn’t name it” Is anemia a kind of “bloodless disease”?Take a Biology Lesson Following the Greek Roots

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The professor doesn’t name it” Is anemia a kind of “bloodless disease”?Take a Biology Lesson Following the Greek Roots

【Key points of reading】

1. If the number of red blood cells in the human blood is lower than the normal value, it is called anemia, which literally means “bloodless disease”.
2. The word formation components of plants are -phyte and phyto-, “beginner, novice” actually literally means “new plant”.
3. The graphite used to make pencil refills is related to the root of stone, and there are other words with the root of “tree” and “wood”.

In the previous issue, the beast was introduced, and the horse (hippo-) was used as the representative of the beast to give a more in-depth explanation. So far, the introduction of animal insects, fish, birds, and beasts has been completed.

Wen Gufang learned the new, inheriting the past in order to start the future. Let’s follow the previous example and focus on reviewing first. There are 14 Greek word-forming elements in the category of “natural world” that have been officially introduced so far (informal introductions, which are only mentioned in passing, are not listed here). The items are listed as follows, with examples:

-bio- life; life; living thing
biology biology
aerobics aerobic exercise
amphibian amphibian

-thanas/thanato- to die; death
Euthanasia Euthanasia

necro- dead body; dead
necropolis necropolis

-anthropo- human

-demo- people; populace

-agog/-agogue leader
pedagogy teaching method
synagogue synagogue

-andro- man
-gyn-/ gyneco- woman
gynarchy women in power
gynecology gynecology; gynecology

-ped- children

-zoo- animal
Paleozoic era

entomo- insect
entomology entomology


ornitho- bird

hippodrome racetrack

After animals, there should be plants, but before introducing plants, let’s first understand the cells that animals and plants have.

Remember the “cell” in biology class? Cytology is called cytology

Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living organisms. Its word-forming component is -cyte/cyto-, and other components are used before the word-forming component, and -cyte is used, and other components are connected after the word-forming component, and cyto- is used.

The disciplines that study the structure and function of cells are
Cyto- “cell” + -logy “knowledge”
An expert in this field is a cytologist, and the adjective is cytological.

Cytology is also called cell biology
Cytologist also known as cell biologist cell biologist

The English word for cell is cell, animal cell is animal cell, and plant cell is plant cell. Cells are mainly composed of nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, etc., and there are cell walls outside the cell membrane of plants.

The nucleus is the cell nucleus (nucleus for short)
Cytoplasm is cytoplasm = cyto- “cell” + plasma “plasma”
The cell membrane is cell membrane (also known as plasma membrane “plasma membrane” or “plasma membrane”)
The cell wall is the cell wall

There is one small place worth noting. The cytoplasm is cytoplasm, and the cell membrane is also called “plasma membrane” plasma membrane, which means “plasma” plasma and plasma are different from each other, but plasma is often combined with other components to form a word, which is generally seldom used alone, while plasma is often used alone , or appear in compound words.

“Anemia” is red blood cells below the normal value, called anemia in English

There are red blood cells (red blood cells), white blood cells (leukocytes) and thrombus cells (platelets) in the blood. There are three common blood cells (blood cells). The relevant English items are analyzed as follows:

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hemocyte blood cell
hemo-「blood」+ -cyte「cell」
Occasionally spelled hematocyte, commonly known as blood cell blood cells.

erythrocyte red blood cell
erythro- “red” + -cyte “cell”
Commonly known as red blood cell red blood cells.

If the number of red blood cells in the human blood is lower than normal, it is called
anemia, literally “aemia”
an-「无」+ -em-「blood」+ -ia「noun suffix, table disease」

leukocyte white blood cell
leuko-「white」+ -cyte「cell」
Commonly known as white blood cell (white blood cell).

A disease caused by an abnormal increase in white blood cells is called
leukemia Leukemia, commonly known as blood cancer
leuko-「白」+ -em-「blood」+ -ia「noun suffix, indicating illness」

thrombo- “thrombosis” + -cyte “cell”
Commonly known as blood platelet, platelet is generally abbreviated as platelet (literally “small plate”).

If platelets cannot perform the function of blood clotting, the blood is not easy to coagulate, and the resulting disease is called
hemophilia, literally “love blood disease”
hemo- “blood” + -phil- “love” + -ia “noun suffix, table disease”

To add, if a small amount of blood coagulates into clots in the cardiovascular system and adheres to the inner wall, blocking the passage, it is thrombosis.

Thrombo- “thrombosis” + -osis “noun suffix, table disease”

There are special cells related to lymph lymph. Lymph is lymphatic fluid, which is a colorless transparent liquid in animals, and its composition is similar to that of blood plasma.

There are lymphocytes lymphocytes in the lymph, also known as lymphocytes
Lympho- “lymph” + -cyte “cell”
A type of white blood cell that has immune function.

By the way,
Lymph nodes are lymph nodes
Lymphatic system is lymphatic system

So much for the cell. Next, we move on to the plants.

Don’t doubt, words starting with zoo- are related to animals

The word-forming components of plants are
To connect other components before the word-forming components, use -phyte,
The word-forming components are followed by other components, using phyto-.

We should not be unfamiliar with the word-forming components of this plant, not only that, but both spellings have been seen before.

When introducing animals earlier, we learned
zooplankton zooplankton
zoo-「animal」 + plankton「plankton」

This is a tiny animal that is suspended in the water layer and often moves with the current.

We also took the opportunity to get to know its plant version by knowing zooplankton before.

phytoplankton phytoplankton
phyto- “plant” + plankton “plankton”

Also in the lecture on zoo-, we also learned
zoophyte zoophyte
zoo-「animal」+ -phyte「plant」
Phytophytes are animals that look like plants, such as sea anemones, sponges, and corals.

There are some similar words ending with -phyte. I also list these words as follows, and make relevant analysis and expansion:

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hydrophyte aquatic plant
hydro- “water” + -phyte “plant”

That is, plants that are partially or entirely submerged in water and can adapt to the water environment, such as alga alga, plural algae.

The word formation component of “water” hydro- is a big family, such as hydroelectric hydropower; hydropower,
A formal, detailed introduction will follow shortly.

The root word xero is very strange?Actually you may have seen it on a photocopier

xerophyte xerophyte
xero- “dry” + -phyte “plant”
Refers to plants that can tolerate long-term dry environments, and cactus is the most well-known representative.

The word-forming component xero- dry has also derived several professional vocabulary, such as
xeroderma dry skin disease
xero- “dry” + -derm “skin” + -a “suffix”

xerophthalmia dry eye syndrome
xero-“dryness” + ophthalmo-“eyes”+ -ia“noun suffix, table disease”

xerography xerography
xero-「drying」+ -graphy「writing」
This is dry copying with toner, the old days were wet printing

spermatophyte seed plant
spermato- “seed” + -phyte “plant”
Also known as seed plant.

Seed plants include gymnosperm (gymnosperm, such as pine, fir, ginkgo) and angiosperm (angiosperm). Angiosperms are flowering plants, the most diverse, most numerous, and best known species in the plant kingdom. The word-forming components spermato- and -sperm are variants of each other, and the English word sperm now means “sperm”.

sporophyte spore plant
sporo- “spore” + -phyte “plant”
Also known as cryptogam cryptogam, including
moss moss
fern fern
Alga alga, plural algae
Fungus fungus, plural fungi
The English of spore is spore

bryophyte moss plant
bryo- “moss” + -phyte “plant”
Basically it’s commonly known as moss

neophyte newbie
neo- “new” + -phyte “plant”
It literally means “new plant”, and it is extended to mean “beginner” and “novice”. It can also refer to “new converts” who have just converted to religion.

The word-forming component of plants – phyte is introduced. Next, let’s expand in detail, starting with dendro- which represents “tree”. In order to streamline the text and simplify the introduction process, we will present it in columns.

The graphite of the pencil refill is related to the root of the stone
dendrology Dendrology
dendro-「tree」+ -logy「learning」
Dendrology is the branch of botany and the study of trees (trees) and shrubs (shrubs).
A domain expert is a dendrologist
The adjective is dendrological

rhododendron rhododendron
rhodo- “rose” + dendro- “tree” + -on “noun suffix”
Literally “rose tree”, the original meaning refers to a tree with roses, because some varieties have rose-colored flowers. Rhododendron is a large family, distributed all over the world, it is said that there are about 1000 species, the common one is azalea (Azalea; Azalea).

dendrochronology Dendrochronology
The scientific analysis of tree rings can determine the age. This method is dendrochronology, also known as dendrology and dendrology.
Another key component, chronology, is an independent word, meaning chronology or timeline, that is, arranged in chronological order, and chrono- is “time”.

dendri- = dendro- “tree” + form “form”
If there is a shape of a tree, it is tree-shaped.

dendrite tree pattern
dendro- “tree” + -ite “stone”
Dendrites are mostly found on minerals or stones, and later extended to also refer to the “dendrites” of nerve cells.

-ite representing “stone” also appears in many words, such as
graph-「writing」+ -ite「stone」
Pencil refills can be made for writing,
Other examples will be discussed later.

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The xylitol seen in chewing gum advertisements is actually “xylitol”

Related to trees is wood. A tree that can be used as wood or wood is wood (wood), and its word formation is xylo-. The most common word containing this ingredient is xylophone (xylophone). In addition, there are xylitol (xylitol), xylography (woodcut), and xylophagous (wood-eating).

xylophone xylophone
xylo-「wood」+ -phone「instrument」
A xylophone is a percussion instrument consisting of several short wooden bars of varying lengths.

The latter half of -phone here refers to musical instruments, also found in saxophone Saxophone, referred to as sax, the name comes from the Belgian instrument maker Sax.Word formation components – the original meaning of phone is sound (a musical instrument is a thing that can make a beautiful sound), and it appears in many words, such as
telephone telephone
tele-「far away」+ -phone「voice」
Send sound to distant devices
This -phone is a huge family, we will introduce it later. A xylophonist is a xylophonist.

xylitol xylitol
xylo- “tree” + -itol “sugar”
Xylitol is a sugar substitute that provides sweetness without burdening us with sugar.

The -itol in the table “sugar alcohol” contains -ol (alcohol, intercepted from the last two letters of alcohol), and also appears in
chole-「骨」+ -ster-「solid」+ -ol「alcohol」in.

xylography woodcut
xylo-「wood」+ -graphy「writing」
Woodcut is a technique that first engraves characters or patterns on a wooden board, and then colors and prints them on paper.

Industry experts are xylographer (wood engraver)
The adjective is xylographic (woodcut)
Woodcut board or woodcut prints made of it, generally speaking woodcut in English

xylophagous wood-eating
xylo-「wood」+ -phag-「eat」+ -ous「adjective suffix」
Some insects eat wood and live by eating wood, such as termites (termite), such insects are called xylophagous insects; wood borers.

Well, that’s all for this issue. Friends, you have a month to study hard. See you in the next issue!

Text/Zeng Taiyuan (Former Head of Department of English, Soochow University)

This picture and article are published with the authorization of “English Island Magazine”, follow Instagram.
World Citizen Cultural Center: Learn business English quickly and accurately.

further reading

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Which words look outdated and old-fashioned in email?

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