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The purpose of life is beyond money and power

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The purpose of life is beyond money and power

It has always been written, discussed and debated about the purpose that human beings have in life. Many have agreed in expressing that it is a human need that forces us to transcend, in line with the above, we can affirm that the true purpose of our lives must be sustained by happiness.

From children to the elderly, we are driven by that rare feeling that shields us against suffering.

I want to go back to ancient times and locate them spatially in Japan, on the island of Okinawa, there, we will focus our gaze on the word Ikigai, which concentrates its essence on the purpose of life.

The researcher Hasegawa, an expert on the subject, mentioned that the term “Ikigai” was born around the Heian period (794¬ -1185), with which it was intended to give value meaning to life. An approach to the concept of happiness.

Likewise, he confirmed that the sum of all those little joys from day to day give meaning to a full life. In this order of ideas, on the Japanese island of Okinawa, having clarity about the purpose of life has allowed them to have the longest-lived population on the planet.

In other words, in that place, everyone places significant value on life and the things they do. For them everything they do, think and say must be worth it.

Now let’s focus our attention on our times, especially young people, and ask ourselves: Do they know what their passion is, what encourages them to wake up every morning, what makes them smile and be happy? The answer may be hopeless, but according to experts on the subject, everyone without exception has an Ikigai.

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The difference lies in what we are doing to find it, in a world focused on immediacy and ease, it is a deep and prolonged search, there are no magic potions, it is not an immediate effect, there must be a process to the point of turning it into a habit .

It is a priority to have clear objectives and discipline and perseverance will give us the satisfaction of having a true purpose in life.

Today, social networks bombard us with false ideas and beliefs about the purpose of life, it is important to clarify that this cannot be copied, much less imposed, it must be authentic and based on our own convictions and limitations.

The purpose is not the same for all human beings, each one must find it based on their own circumstances and realities, it is the task of each one to work to discover it.

The great challenge is to find it in a turbulent world, full of false beliefs, under the dilemma of money and power. What a challenge!

In my opinion, the purpose must be formed from the family, school and society, tripartite actions must truly be built, without forgetting also that interests, abilities and achievements are also conditioned by education and the environment, that is why I invite you to that together we work to win the future and, for this, from the knowledge of the present, provide a slow and hopeful reflection for the new generations that need it so much.


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