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The queues continue at the CNE

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The queues continue at the CNE

Those present at the CNE were waiting for the day announced for this past weekend

The electoral body works regularly from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

On the outskirts of National Electoral Council (CNE)located in the vicinity of the old market of Maturín, the colas of people who deserve to carry out their change of residence, as well as young people who are registering to be able to suffrage in the upcoming electoral elections from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

According to representatives of the electoral entity, this process is permanent as its name indicates, so they are receiving people daily to carry out their respective process without any problem.

The weekend failed

According to those present, they expected the announced day for this past weekend, which did not occur, so they decided to go today, Monday, to complete their pending procedure before the election days approach.

“The process is permanent, but a cut is always made before each election so it is better to come before they close the process,” said Julio Bermúdez.

The change is necessary

Likewise, Luis Andueza mentioned that ten years ago he came from the state of Zulia, where he is from, and had not changed his residence because it was feasible to travel, but as things have changed, making the situation difficult, he has found it necessary to make a change of residence.

He highlighted that the number of points to be placed depends on the number of voters per voting center; however, there was information that the points would be placed and they were not observed anywhere. “Everything has become complicated, obviously with the increase in fares, the situation of insecurity on the roads, it is practically impossible to make a trip with few resources from here to Zulia,” she stressed.

Another of the interviewees, who identified herself by the name of María Salazar, highlighted “the CNE passed a statement to speed up the registration and update sites, and there should be other points because there are people who find it difficult to come here from the municipalities.” .

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Changes without asking for them

He indicated that he previously lived in La Invasión de La Puente, but he moved, so he was waiting his turn to change the respective electoral center. He highlighted that he has heard of people who want to change their residence to vote near their residence, but on election day they find that they have been moved, even to other states.

«I have heard, and I know people who, without changing their residence, have changed their voting center, I live near the vertical and on the weekend nothing was seen there, which is a reference point for these days, that is why I came here,” he added.

Those present at the CNE request registration points in other places in Monagas

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