Home » The relocation of street vendors continues in the Plaza de Cayzedo

The relocation of street vendors continues in the Plaza de Cayzedo

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The relocation of street vendors continues in the Plaza de Cayzedo

Under the premise of recovering the space of the Plaza de Cayzedo, a place that is a historical heritage of Santiago de Cali; The Cali Security Secretariat carried out a consultation process with the street vendors that are located there to discuss relocation issues.

Several of these vendors refuse to leave this place, located in the center of the capital of the Valley and declared a national monument, beyond the indications of the Municipal Administration that no street vendor can be located in this place. nor in its surroundings.

This is based on a decree from the Ministry of Culture that for its protection must be free of vendors.

“Because it is a historical, cultural, and emblematic center, it should not have informal or street vendors, which is why we are going to locate them in neighboring areas,” said José Hebert Calle Dávalos, Undersecretary of Security and Justice of Cali.

The Cali Mayor’s Office supports the effort to relocate at least 30 vendors who are still working near the Plaza.
“Some who have a certain history in the area were relocated, but, as other new people arrive, they also return, arguing that in the other area they are not doing the same as before in sales,” added Calle Dávalos.

To go ahead spaces of dialogue; from the Secretariat they have been advancing some work tables with spokespersons and with the unions of informal vendors.

At present, a pedagogy process is being carried out so that street vendors voluntarily vacate the surroundings of Plaza de Cayzedo.

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