Home » The tourism sector continues to be concerned about the problems at the Santa Marta Airport

The tourism sector continues to be concerned about the problems at the Santa Marta Airport

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According to the Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS Concession, the aim is to reduce heat by up to 65%. In the next few days, air conditioning equipment will be installed.

The complaints of tourists and businessmen in relation to to the issue of air conditioners that apparently are not working 100% andAt the Simón Bolívar International Airport, run by the Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS Concession, they do not stop.

Camilo George, Executive Director of Pro Santa Marta Vital, He stated that they are concerned about the situation that is being presented “for three years we have been in a fight through dialogue with the Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS Concession, which has been impossible to be addressed, that is why we decided to put it on the public agenda”.

In the same way, he pointed out that they are concerned about the airport workers that they are in undignified conditions, in addition to the complaints of tourists, ordinary citizens are constant, the Concession is in the heads of three recognized companies at the national level and they do not provide a solution.

While we private individuals make an enormous effort to promote the city and every day bring more and more people to know it, the answer given by Mr. Nelson Rodríguez, manager of the Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS Concession, is that heat is a problem of perception, doing some works of glass polarization that did not help at all” he said.

He also specified that the Airport it needs to be invested between 35 and 40 tons of new air to solve this problem, which directly affects the airport employees.

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The Concession Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS, “It collects 36 billion, we want them to collect more, we, the businessmen, are the ones who promote private initiative in the city, but this must be accompanied by a positive response from them, so that they can take action in this regard urgently” .

Aeropuertos de Oriente completed phase two of the Action Plan to reduce thermal load

Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS, informed that phase two of the Action plan, established to reduce the thermal load of the passenger terminal, especially the National Boarding Lounge, from the Simón Bolívar International Airport of Santa Marta.

as far as i know installed nanoceramic films in more than 390 m2 of airport windows that reduce up to 65% of the heat generated by the sun.

In addition, He pointed out that phase three will begin in the next few days, which includes the installation of additional air conditioning equipment to the existing ones.

On June 23, 2023, we completed the installation of nanoceramic films with UV filters on more than 390 m2 of terminal windows, with which we seek to reduce the heat generated by the sun’s rays by up to 65% and received during the most of the day, between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm, especially in the National Boarding Room. It is important to remember that we started these activities on June 15, 2023”, explained Nelson Rodríguez Cruz, Manager of Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS.

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The senior executive added whatthe films promote the reduction of the thermal sensation up to 4°C. This is a great benefit that we achieved given the unusual temperatures that are being registered in Santa Marta, whose thermal sensation has reached 45°C in external areas and generates temperatures in the National Boarding Room that are around 30°C. Likewise, these elements help protect the eyes and skin of users by rejecting 99% of ultraviolet rays.

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Completed the second stage, Aeropuertos de Oriente SAS, continues their activities according to the established Action Plan. For this reason, the installation of additional air conditioning equipment to the existing ones will begin in the coming days, after a prior evaluation and design of the solution by a firm specialized in air conditioning.

“Five air conditioning units with a capacity of five tons each are contemplated, which will work independently and will be strategically located in the National Boarding Room. That is to say, we will take from 61 to 86 tons of refrigeration to this area of ​​the terminal, with which we would be increasing the cooling capacity by 41% of the existing one”, explained Nelson Rodríguez Cruz.

With this intervention and what has already been accomplished in phase two, the Concession seeks to obtain a thermal sensation that oscillates between the ranges of 24°C and 27°C inside the National Boarding Room, since, on the one hand, the thermal load is reduced with the nanoceramic films and, on the other hand, the cooling capacity is increased with the additional air conditioning equipment that will be installed.

It may interest you: Phase two ended to reduce thermal load at the Santa Marta airport

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