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They close again alternate route between Cauca and Nariño

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They close again alternate route between Cauca and Nariño

In order to continue with the maintenance and expansion of the alternate highway to the Panamericana between Cauca and Nariño, Invías announced a new closure of the highway this weekend.

Likewise, there is expectation in Cauca with the construction of the new alternate road that according to the national government should be finished on February 20.

Precisely after a tour of the department of Cauca, from the Rosas sector to La Depresión, the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes, the General Director of Invías, Juan Alfonso Latorre, and local authorities verified the progress of the new alternate route.

They also confirmed that on February 20 there will be passability for tractor-trailers with a 30-meter bridge, the road will be put into service, in affirmed, in only one direction. The passage through it will be preferential for cargo vehicles and its operation will be carried out: one day in the direction of Pasto – Popayán and the next, in the route Popayán – Pasto.


The Rosas – La Sierra – La Depresión road is closed from this Saturday, February 11, starting at 6:00 in the morning.

The opening will be done again on Monday, February 13 at 6:00 in the morning, to inhabit the passage of vehicles up to ten tons

For now, the Rosas – La Sierra – La Depresión highway will remain enabled as a communication option with the south of the country after the landslide that at the beginning of the year disabled the passage through the Pan-American highway.

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This is the second weekend that the total closure of this road has been made, which, due to the amount of traffic that is circulating, must be regularly maintained.

In addition, they have been working on widening the curves since it is a very narrow road.

The Secretary of Infrastructure of Cauca, José Rodrigo Astaiza indicated that “the maintenance works are progressing at a very good pace, the good weather has helped in the work and the expansion continues in some curves so that the transit of vehicles is faster” .

Photo: Invías

The post They close again alternate road between Cauca and Nariño appeared first on Diario Occidente.

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