Home » This is how tourism is lived in El Rodadero in Santa Marta on the festive bridge of San Pedro and San Pablo

This is how tourism is lived in El Rodadero in Santa Marta on the festive bridge of San Pedro and San Pablo

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This is how tourism is lived in El Rodadero in Santa Marta on the festive bridge of San Pedro and San Pablo

during this bridge Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, is expected in Santa Marta a significant increase in the influx of visitors, who will be able to enjoy the touristic offer diversity that the city offers.

From tours of the Tayrona National Natural Park even expeditions to the Sierra Nevada, travelers will find an unforgettable experience in this corner of the Caribbean. The beaches of ‘La perla’, with their exuberant beauty and crystalline waters, become the perfect setting for those seeking a paradisiacal rest. In addition, tourism in the area has boosted the local economy, generating job opportunities and strengthening the commercial sector.

THE REPORTER traveled The Rodaderoone of the favorite destinations for tourists, who give their opinion on the experience they have had in the capital of Magdalena.

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Santa Martawith his turismo booming, flourishing economy and captivating beaches, it is positioned as an unmissable destination for those looking to enjoy some vacation perfect in a unique natural environment.

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The day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is a commemoration liturgical Catholic church in which the death of the two apostles who were assassinated on the same day is remembered. Although the liturgical celebration is on June 29, in Colombia, thanks to the ‘Emiliani Law’, the holiday is moved to the following Monday.

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