Home » This was the reception of Ñoño Elías after his release

This was the reception of Ñoño Elías after his release

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This was the reception of Ñoño Elías after his release

Bernardo Miguel Elías Vidal, better known as ‘Ñoño Elías, implicated in the Odebrecht scandal that affected the former congressman and led him to pay a large part of his sentence, was received with a pompous entourage in the municipality of San Juan de Sahagún in the department From Cordoba.

The fact was recorded in a video that was broadcast through Twitter, arousing many reactions and comments about it.

“This is how Ñoño Elías was received in Sahagún after his release. The cult of this criminal is incredible”were the words of the user who uploaded the video where the politician who was found guilty in this notorious case of corruption is seen accompanied by a large caravan with fanfare.

It should be noted that in August 2022, Court 21 for the Execution of Sentences granted conditional release to Elías after having ordered an intramural prison sentence of 6 years and 8 months that forced him to remain in a military garrison to guarantee his safety.

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Likewise, the crimes for which the man from Cordoba had to comply with the sentence imposed by the Supreme Court of Justice for influence peddling and bribery for the illegal award of tenders for roads in Norte de Santander and the Ruta del Sol.

The reactions left by the publication about Ñoño Elías

As expected, many Internet users were not silent and were very indignant with the positions of the inhabitants of the municipality where the former politician is from.

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“That is why this country is the way it is”, “Totally agree!”, “What buying a vote can produce, terrible”, “And the petristas insult us for trills like this Daniel. What they do not know is that he was released from prison and is going to support the candidate of the Historical Pact Gabriel Calle ”, were some of the messages in this regard.

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