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Thousands of migrants join caravan heading to the US

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Thousands of migrants join caravan heading to the US

The “Exodus from Poverty” Takes Thousands on a Dangerous Journey

Thousands of migrants from Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean, Cuba, and Haiti, have left Tapachula, in southern Mexico, on a long journey on foot towards the United States. Organizers of the caravan have named it the “Exodus from Poverty,” as they seek to escape from what they describe as inhuman conditions in their home countries.

Luis Villagrán, one of the organizers, spoke to reporters and emphasized that the only hope for these migrants is to draw attention to their plight and to seek better opportunities. “The only thing we want is to work. The only thing we want are documents to move forward,” Villagrán stated.

Benigno Sánchez, a Cuban migrant, expressed the economic needs and dreams of the group, stating, “We have a dream, to work honestly. Unfortunately, we live in a corrupt government.”

As they continue on their arduous journey, Aida Peña, a Salvadoran migrant, expressed the hope that their sacrifice will be rewarded with a miracle, allowing them to successfully cross into the United States.

The caravan’s members are united in their desire for a better life and are willing to endure the risks and challenges of the journey ahead. Their determination is a reflection of the dire circumstances they are fleeing from and the barriers they face in achieving a better future.

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