Home » Timely action of the Forest Department, illegal timber smuggling failed

Timely action of the Forest Department, illegal timber smuggling failed

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Timely action of the Forest Department, illegal timber smuggling failed

Web Desk: Timely action of the Forest Department, an attempt to smuggle illegal wood was foiled.
According to the details, a secret operation was planned after getting a secret information from the Secretary Forest Department Syed Nazar Hussain Shah.
As a result of the operation, 11 trucks departing from Malakand Forest Division were stopped by the DFO Patrol Squad after crossing the Dargai Forest Check Post.
Out of these intercepted trucks, 10 trucks were caught in Marathi area and one on Sardaryab Road.
Thus, the attempt to smuggle huge amount of illegal wood was foiled. According to the secretary of the forest department, illegal timber is being determined.
According to an estimate, the value of the captured timber is in crores.

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