Home » Tragedy in Longarone, two-year-old child dies

Tragedy in Longarone, two-year-old child dies

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Tragedy in Longarone, two-year-old child dies

The little boy was playing in the Codissago park when he fell ill. He died in the emergency room of Pieve di Cadore

LONGARONE. Nicolò was two years old. Yesterday afternoon (Thursday 28 August) he was playing in the Sydney park of Codissago, a suburb of Longarone, when he fell ill. His parents were immediately alerted; after assessing the traffic conditions, the child was taken to the Giovanni Paolo II hospital in Pieve di Cadore.
The baby arrived in red code, in a situation that the doctors considered extremely critical, immediately starting resuscitation maneuvers. Unfortunately in vain. Two hours later the death was declared.
The case is being examined by the judicial authority which has ordered a series of investigations, including a toxicological examination to verify if the child had ingested something particular, perhaps picked up from the ground. An autopsy will also be carried out in the next few hours.

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