Home » Tragedy Strikes at China’s Yulinba as Tourists Swept Away by Swollen River at “Yuscale Dam”

Tragedy Strikes at China’s Yulinba as Tourists Swept Away by Swollen River at “Yuscale Dam”

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Tragedy Strikes at China’s Yulinba as Tourists Swept Away by Swollen River at “Yuscale Dam”

Tragedy Strikes as Retired Tourists Washed Away by Flood in Yulinba Scenic Spot

In a terrible accident at the Yulinba scenic spot in Ya’an, Sichuan, China, more than a dozen tourists, predominantly retired women in their 60s, were swept away by a sudden flood. The incident occurred on the 9th, while many visitors were enjoying the picturesque surroundings and capturing memorable photos.

The unanticipated surge in the river caught the group off guard, resulting in the tragic loss of seven lives. Four individuals were fortunate enough to be rescued from the raging waters. Reports suggest that the victims, known locally as “the aunts,” were engaged in dancing and having fun on the Yulin Dam of the Longxi River at the time of the incident.

Local Chinese media has shed some light on the unfortunate incident, providing details about the victims and their plans for the day. The retired residents were exploring the area and decided to venture down to the riverbank for a photo opportunity. Despite warnings from residents who were aware of the river’s unpredictable behavior, they proceeded into the water.

Yulin Dam, it turns out, is not a designated scenic spot but rather a water conservancy structure. Construction work is currently on hold due to the flood season, leaving the dam without any protective barriers such as guardrails. Although some speculate that the opening of the upstream river’s gates may have contributed to the tragedy, authorities have denied any sudden flood discharge and stated that prior warnings were issued.

A video taken at the scene showcases several scale-shaped semicircular dams situated along the river. The fierce currents failed to pass through these dams, leading to multiple individuals being swept away. Desperate pleas for help could be heard as some onlookers witnessed the horrifying incident.

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Known as the “Yuscale Dam,” this water management facility has gained popularity in recent years. Aside from serving its primary functions of damming and facilitating river crossings, it has also become an attraction for locals and tourists alike due to its stunning scenery. However, with this incident, questions are being raised about the safety measures in place and the need for heightened precautions during the flood season.

Ya’an had issued a flash flood meteorological disaster risk warning just a day prior to the tragedy, indicating that preventative measures were not effectively implemented. As authorities investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident, it serves as a solemn reminder of the unpredictable and treacherous forces of nature.

The families and loved ones of the seven victims mourn their loss, while efforts are underway to provide support and counseling for survivors and witnesses traumatized by the incident. The tragic event serves as a somber reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and being cautious when enjoying natural attractions, particularly during times of increased flood risk.

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