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Training good people through soccer

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Training good people through soccer

Julian Andres Santa

More than 200 boys and girls from the different training schools of Pereira, lived the great experience of being able to share in sports camps with the former player of the Colombian National Team and Boca Juniors, among others, Fabián Vargas, where on this occasion they not only prioritized the work with the ball and technique, but also the learning of values ​​and the formation of good people through their favorite sport.

In the meeting, he had the theoretical phase at the Uniminuto headquarters with coaches from the city and later the practice on the Vergel field, where children and young people will surely remember for the rest of their lives this great opportunity they had to continue advancing in their processes.

Sowing the seed of values

This was stated by Fabián Vargas: “I feel very happy to be here, they have received me very well and more so accompanying these Bancolombia camps where we are touring the entire country seeking to impact more than 10,000 children and three thousand coaches and here Pereira we share with more of 150 children where we are trying to sow a seed, working on values, reinforcing them so that they take something different home with them, that through this beautiful tool that life has given me, the possibility of sharing what is the football, help them in their training”.

Integral formation

Comparing sports processes, currently seeks to give greater inclusion to values ​​through football. “I think that now much more importance is given to it, I was fortunate to have coaches who cared about the athlete, the human being, and comprehensive training, and that is what they are looking for with the Bancolombia camps. that they can be given this training in an integral way, an integral education for all these young people and that they can help build the country within what they can give to society later and that they are young people of good for our society”, he pointed out the 43-year-old former player from Bogotá.

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The boys, girls and young people who participated in this camp received sports clothing and a soccer ball signed by Fabián Vargas.

Opinions of Nikola Dios

I have felt very good in these camps, I really like how they train us to be better. It also seems very good to me to practice values, which helps us a lot for daily life”.

Give your opinion Juan David Parra

Very good because he taught us a lot of values ​​to face life, he teaches us a lot of football tactics so that we can learn more about life later on and I’m very happy to be here”.

Say Sebastian Roldan. Regional Camp Liaison

It is truly a blessing that Bancolombia is with us here in Pereira, it has been a very nice opportunity, a very interesting training space for coaches from here in the city and this space with children and young people who are playing soccer and learning values at once”.

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