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“Trump is being persecuted for opposing Washington’s senseless wars”

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“Trump is being persecuted for opposing Washington’s senseless wars”

The USA’s leading news anchor Tucker Carlson has published the third episode of his new Twitter show, and has received 50 million clicks in 16 hours. Carlson called the prosecution of Donald Trump not only “politically” but “ideologically motivated”.

Tucker Carlson took aim at the politically motivated indictment of Donald Trump and said that Trump’s arrest had been in the making since Trump took on the American military-industrial complex in the first presidential debate with the other Republican candidates on February 15, 2016:

“We should never have been in Iraq,” Trump said at the time. “We’ve destabilized the entire Middle East. You lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction there, but there weren’t. And they knew that«.

When Trump said that, “some of the audience booed,” according to Carlson. ‘But most just sat there, petrified. Can he say that? At least he said so. And when he said that, he sealed his fate. That was the one thing you shouldn’t say, because it involved too many people on both sides of the political spectrum, Hillary Clinton as much as (Republican leader) Paul Ryan. You all lied. And they despised Donald Trump for revealing that.”

After that, it was clear that Donald Trump would find it very difficult to maintain control of the government, even if elected, Carlson said. “The permanent bureaucracy in Washington decided that the most important thing was to put obstacles in Trump’s path.”

“Some said that publicly,” says Carlson. ‘But others were more skilful. They approached Trump instead of distancing themselves from him.” Those who flattered Trump the most were 100% those who loathed him the most, Carlson said. This applies to no one more than Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who now condemns Trump for allegedly illegal handling of secret documents.

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Pompeo “undermined Trump’s oft-repeated policy of peace and non-interference abroad at every step,” Carlson said. “He used every waking hour to find new ways to wage war in foreign countries: Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea, the list goes on. But instead of speaking his mind to Trump like a man, Pompeo flattered himself in the slimiest way imaginable.”

Carlson called Pompeo’s pandering to Trump “unforgettably repulsive.” And now the same Pompeo is telling viewers at Carlson’s former Fox broadcaster that the nation’s security is at risk because Trump failed to return confidential documents on time. “There are more than a billion restricted documents in Washington,” Carlson said. Everyone has these homes, but only Donald Trump is persecuted because of it.

“The prosecution of Donald Trump is obviously politically motivated,” Carlson said. Joe Biden is now doing what no American president before him has dared to do. “He uses the judiciary as an instrument against his greatest political opponent. And anyone who denies that is a liar.”

However, according to Carlson, the persecution of Trump is not only of a political nature, but of an ideological nature: “No one with views like Trump should have power in this country. Anyone who criticizes our war will be sidelined. And if you still don’t stop, you go to jail. That is the message being sent by both parties in Washington today.”

The United States budget this year is $6 billion, according to Carlson, more than any government in history has spent. But you don’t see the result when you drive through America, but potholes and construction sites. The large amount of money did not go to the citizens, but to the elites in Washington and to “Zelensky’s friends” in Ukraine. The future of the cities in Ukraine is more important to the rulers than those in the USA, and they said so openly – with the exception of Donald Trump.

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“Regardless of what one thinks of him, Donald Trump is the only candidate with a realistic chance of becoming President, who opposes Washington’s long-established agenda of senseless wars. And that’s why they want to take Donald Trump out of the race now, before you have a chance to put your cross for him. And that should bother us more than anything that has ever happened in the politics of this country.”

“Even if you don’t intend to vote for Trump — even if you’d rather die than vote for Trump — because a lot of decent people are like this: the destruction of our democracy, the right to vote for any candidate we want, even those who do not want war with Russia – should give you sleepless nights. Of course, Donald Trump is a man of many flaws. But we cannot choose our martyrs. We can only choose our principles. And this is where American principles are at stake.”

Tucker Carlson: “America’s principles are at stake.”

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