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UFOs may have an explanation. Human objects?

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UFOs may have an explanation. Human objects?

Not all the unidentified flying objects that various people believe they observe are of extraterrestrial origin.

Some are unidentified until their true origin is confirmed and the mystery of what they are is unraveled.

Flying objects believed to be UFOs include sightings of flying saucers, Chinese balloons, and other unidentified objects.

The US government has acknowledged the existence of these sightings, although it can only explain one of the 144 sightings made by the Army since 2004.

Those who denigrate Ufology indicate that many of these flying objects are man-made and are confused with UFOs.

These objects include airplanes, satellites, and other everyday objects.

According to the report of the United States Congress, there is no evidence that UFOs are of alien origin.


In the 1970s, the US Air Force launched Project Blue Book, in response to the wave of UFO sightings.

Project Blue Book was a series of studies on the UFO phenomenon carried out by the United States Air Force.

The project began in June 1947 with the aim of investigating all those encounters that could become threats to national security.

Scientist Allen Hynek was hired by the United States Air Force to help on the project, and his work was featured on the television series Project Blue Book.

The official conclusions of Project Blue Book were that UFO sightings were generated by mass hysteria, individuals fabricating fraudulent cases to seek publicity, and people with psychopathologies.

Investigations concluded that there was no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.

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natural explanations

According to a Pentagon report, only one of the 144 UFO sightings made by the Army since 2004 can be explained.

Information gathered and analyzed by science suggests that UFO sightings may have natural explanations such as weather phenomena, human error, or optical tricks.

The Pentagon report has fueled speculation about whether Washington acknowledges alien life and UFO sightings, but there is no conclusive evidence to back this theory up.

Meteorological phenomena are natural events that take place in the Earth’s atmosphere.

These include rain, wind, fog, thunderstorm, rainbow, frost, and anticyclone.

The presence of these can generate optical tricks or generated by the same atmosphere.

astronomical phenomena

Astronomical phenomena can be confused with UFOs.

These are processes or properties to which objects in outer space, such as stars, planets, comets, and meteors, are subjected.

This includes cosmic impacts caused by the collision of meteoroids, asteroids or comets with Earth or other planets, partial and semi-partial eclipses lunar phases and intense meteor showers.

Many of these phenomena can be confused with UFOs.

human objects

Another aspect has to do with the human-made objects that cross the skies and that can be confused with UFOs.

In these objects are artificial satellites, airplanes, drones and weather balloons.

Artificial satellites are human-made objects launched into outer space to orbit a celestial body such as the earth.

These satellites are used to send and receive communications for mass use such as telephony, television or the Internet, as well as to perform various tasks such as Earth observation.

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There are different types of artificial satellites with different functions and characteristics.

Many of these satellites can be seen with the naked eye, passing quickly over our heads, and even amateur astronomers already know their trajectory and detect them.

Weather balloons are meteorological devices that lift instruments into the atmosphere to collect data such as temperature, pressure, and relative humidity[[

They are inflated with either hydrogen or helium and depending on the size of the balloon, the expansion that occurs while rising at lower pressure causes the balloon to burst and the instrument to fall to the ground.

Precisely, during the recent controversy with China, this country stated that the alleged spy balloon shot down in the United States was a scientific balloon for research into the atmosphere.

The US government said it found no evidence linking the three devices shot down last week to intelligence — they were not aliens, but rather a variety of military and civilian devices.

Many planes and drones, due to their characteristics, the use they are giving them, or the technology, can at some point be confused with UFOs.

Also the presence of kites, plastics, papers, which are dragged by the sky, can be considered UFOs, when they are not immediately identified.

This note was made with the help of artificial intelligence.


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