Home » Ukraine, the armored vehicle leaves forgetting the soldier on the ground who is chasing it in vain

Ukraine, the armored vehicle leaves forgetting the soldier on the ground who is chasing it in vain

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Ukraine, the armored vehicle leaves forgetting the soldier on the ground who is chasing it in vain

A tragicomic scene taken by a Russian drone in the devastation of Donbass. A Ukrainian M113 armored car can be seen on patrol in a town: one of the soldiers has got out of the vehicle and is in a garden. Suddenly some cannon fire begins to arrive and the vehicle retreats at full speed. The soldier left on the ground chases him running and after a while the armored car stops. The soldier tries in vain to open the tailgate. But after a few seconds the crew sets off again and definitively leaves the poor infantryman on the ground, who resigns himself and gives up the chase

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