Home » ‘Uncle Sam’ scandal revealer Seymour Hersh continues to expose ‘America’s vices’

‘Uncle Sam’ scandal revealer Seymour Hersh continues to expose ‘America’s vices’

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‘Uncle Sam’ scandal revealer Seymour Hersh continues to expose ‘America’s vices’

He has reached an advanced age, but he is still faithful to his own style of investigative journalism, in which he focuses on revealing what his sources brought him about what was going on in the corridors of American foreign policy without mentioning her name. In most of his articles and interviews, he condemned the successive American governments and considered them involved in spreading chaos and ruin and cooking coups everywhere whose masters refuse to serve their interests. During an interview on “Sky News Arabia” on the “With Giselle” program, Seymour Hersh confirmed that it was US President Joe Biden who gave his special orders to blow up the northern pipeline that transports natural gas from Russia to Germany, and he clung to the atrocities he had previously revealed. No decade has passed since World War II.

Hirsch began his investigative career exposing the massacres of the United States in Vietnam. He was credited with introducing American and international public opinion to the “My Lai” massacre, which was committed by American soldiers in 1969 against about 500 unarmed women, children, and men randomly in a village in Vietnam. In the decade after the 1960s, Hersh interacted with exposing the details of the Watergate scandal that toppled President Richard Nixon, and then highlighted the US Air Force’s bombing of Cambodia and its dropping of more than 100,000 tons of bombs over a 14-month period. He also revealed the US administration’s use of CIA spy programs to plan several coups, such as the Chilean coup, for which parties, associations, and media were recruited and funded to overthrow the socialist government of Salvador Allende in 1973 and push dictator Augusto Pinochet to power to sit in power, suppressing the breath of the Chileans until 1990.

In the twenty-first century, Hersh exposed the scandal of the US army’s torture of Iraqis held in Abu Ghraib prison in 2004. We still remember those horrific images that exposed the disgrace of America, which occupied Iraq under the false pretext of disarming its weapons of mass destruction and liberating it from tyranny. Sadism did not even occur to the authors of horror stories and torture! Despite this, George Bush Jr. refused the resignation of his Defense Secretary at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, in complete disavowal of any responsibility, whether material or moral! America, Bush Jr., was not satisfied with the two scandals of the lie of weapons of mass destruction and the Abu Ghraib prison, but rather delved into its transgressions and interference in Iraqi politics by supporting certain names, as happened with Iyad Allawi in the 2005 elections.

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After the Lebanon War in 2006, Hersh revealed that the United States was the one that gave the green light to Israel to strike Hezbollah, and that it wanted to pave the way for hitting Iran afterwards. Not far from Syria, Hirsch, who previously interviewed Bashar al-Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, wrote articles in which he said that it was Jabhat al-Nusra that launched a sarin gas attack on Ghouta with the help of Turkey in order to provide a ready justification for the United States to attack al-Assad militarily, as he crossed the red line that Barak had drawn for him. Obama then, which is the use of prohibited weapons against the Syrian people! Fortunately, that red line turned out to be an imaginary line that Obama never implemented.

In 2015, Hersh surprised the world press when he presented a different account of the American raid that targeted the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, and considered the official American and Pakistani government account a lie and slander. Hersh indicated that bin Laden had been imprisoned by the Pakistani authorities since 2006 after his arrest by the Pakistani intelligence, and that the CIA was informed of his place of detention in 2010 and that his burial at sea was a lie, explaining that bin Laden’s body was blown to pieces during the shooting. It was not buried in the sea, as the US government claimed at the time. This is not surprising, as American administrations are accustomed to hastening or postponing the liquidation of their external enemies, in a way that achieves the greatest amount of political goals, primarily domestic, and then external.

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And recently, Simon Hirsch exploded another surprise by revealing that President Joe Biden was directly behind the bombing of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipeline, which was transporting natural gas from Russia to Germany, as he referred to the implementation of this sabotage by the CIA in cooperation with Norway, in an article He published it on February 8, 2023, with the title “How America blew up the North Stream pipeline.”

Most of the stories revealed by Hirsch earned him several awards and fame in press and media circles in all countries of the world, but they also brought him many enmities, criticisms, and blames, some of which resulted from questioning the veracity of his stories, while others resulted from his stories being considered unreliable due to his continuous refusal to reveal by name his sources. .

One of the funny ironies is that the reactions of American leaders to Hirsch’s stories have always been similar and sometimes identical, where the first response is negative and false, and then the stories become the subject of questioning and denying facts known to all after additional details about them appeared from other press sources or official bodies when the confidentiality of the information was revealed. documents after a certain period of time. For example, President George W. Bush hastened to tell his late Pakistani counterpart, Pervez Musharraf, that Seymour Hersh is a liar after an article he published claiming the Pentagon’s intention to carry out a secret operation against the Pakistani army’s nuclear arsenal. And when he recently published an article in which he said that Joe Biden gave direct orders to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline, Biden was quick to tell his European counterparts that Seymour Hersh is a liar!

Perhaps the constant in these scandals committed by the American administrations is the tendency of the political elite to refuse to take responsibility for them altogether. An example of this is the series of strong criticisms directed by a number of US officials to former President Barack Obama after he apologized to the Japanese people for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. More than that, the American judiciary has been repeating the play of trying soldiers whose involvement is revealed by journalists or whistleblowers, so verdicts are issued against them, but they quickly evaporate through amnesty or mitigation closer to acquittal, and then they turn into national heroes, as happened with those involved in the Vietnam massacres. And the Abu Ghraib scandal, especially in the eyes of fanatical Americans who consider their country “the savior of the world from evil and evil” and worthy of impunity beyond time and space. In doing so, they underestimate what America has published in terms of tragedies known to everyone.

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This measure, with several measures, has marked American policy since World War II. The old and new media have been witnesses to long trials and several rulings pronounced by the American judiciary against Americans who committed mistakes and misdemeanors against other Americans, without any statute of limitations, even if fifty years have passed. The result of a number of them was to hold those involved in them financially and morally responsible, and some of them lost their position, fame, and even their wealth, and spent the end of their lives behind bars. As for when it comes to murders, torture, rape, theft of wealth, assaulting the rights of generations after another, and destroying crops and offspring in separate countries between different continents of the world, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America, then the deep state in America refuses to bear any responsibility, even if it is just an apology. There are millions of victims, even if that does not secure them from fear, does not make them fat, and does not make them hungry!

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