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urgent interventions — Emilia-Romagna News

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urgent interventions — Emilia-Romagna News

Bologna – In a very short time, bring the discussion on the consequences of the 110% building Superbonus block to the Conference of Regions, requesting the presence of the Government. At the same time, broaden the issue of the purchase of tax credits by involving Abi, the Italian banking association.

These are the commitments made by the President of the Region, Stefano Bonacciniintervened – with the councilors Vincenzo Colla (Economics) e Paolo Calvino (Financial Statement) – at the second meeting of Permanent crisis table with the social partners – businesses and trade unions – for the Superbonus 110%convened today in viale Aldo Moro.

At the center of the discussion, the critical issues and potential impacts related to the block on the transfer of credit and the discount on the invoice – established by Decree 11/2023 – in relation to the Superbonus: companies at risk of bankruptcy (and consequent problems for the realization of the works connected to the PNRR), workers at risk of dismissalcon inevitable disputes against homeowners, businesses, professionals and the state.

From Bologna, after the meeting, leaving a letter to the Government by the Region with the requests made by Emilia-Romagna, and to request urgent action.

The regional representatives of Confapi Industry, Ance, Cna Construction, Anaepa Confartigianato Construction, Casartigiani, Feather free ER Claai, Agci, Confcooperative, Cup, Legacoop, Feneal Uil, Filca Cisl e Fillea Cgilwho had solicited the new meeting.

From all the acronyms came the request to the Region to act as a promoter towards the banks and insurance companies of the territory so that they help the companies of Emilia-Romagna to acquire tax credits.

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Nationally, the estimate is 19 billion approximately of “stranded” tax credits already issued.

“We are personally involved in the whole Superbonus game – underlined the president Bonaccini-. The Government has made a drastic choice, stopping everything overnight, without confronting the social partners and the territories, launching botched measures that now risk blocking an entire sector and putting thousands of companies and jobs in crisis. An incomprehensible and intolerable way of doing things”.

“We – he continued addressing those present, remotely connected to the meeting – wanted to meet you immediately, because we fully understand the difficulties you are experiencing. My intention is to bring the discussion to the Conference of Regions as soon as possible, asking for the presence of the Government: we are facing a national, urgent issue that can no longer be postponed “.

As regards the request to ‘intercede’, as a Region, with the credit system, Bonaccini explained that “we certainly cannot force the banks to intervene. But we can certainly extend the question to ABI, the Association of Italian Banks, a member of the Pact for Work and the Climate. We want to find all possible initiatives, to protect businesses, workers and citizens”.

Clare Vergano

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